Filled baltop

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MrFade, Apr 6, 2023.

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    Plugin category: Mortis Bank addon (✨mortis-bank✨-advanced-upgrades-bank-interests-customizable.106180/)

    Minecraft version: 1.19+ (mostly want it for 1.19.2 and 1.19.4)

    Suggested name: Banktop

    What I want: With this bank plugin you cant really see who has the highest bank balance. so I want a baltop plugin that shows players with there purse balance and bank balance in a GUI as shown in the screenshots
    NOTE: if there's not enough players then it will show "?" head


    when you hover over the player head it will show this format:
    for eample:
    #1 <Player>
    - ""
    - "Total Balance: $<total balance bank+purse>"
    - ""
    - "In Bank: $<Bank balance for that player>"
    - "In Purse: $<Purse balance for that player>"

    Please add color so it looks nice (Also please make it so I can edit everything)

    players whos on top should have his number color different from the player number 2. for example:

    &6#1 <Player>

    &c#2 <Player>

    &2#3 <Player>

    and rest will be &7#4 <Player> &7#5 <Player> .... etc
    Ideas for commands:
    - /baltop or /balancetop (this will show the baltop GUI) NOTE: Please see the screenshots provided
    - /bal <player>
    this will show
    - ""
    - "Total Balance: $<total balance bank+purse>"
    - ""
    - "In Bank: $<Bank balance for that player>"
    - "In Purse: $<Purse balance for that player>"

    in the chat

    Ideas for permissions:
    - banktop.bal.player (to use the command /bal <player>)

    When I'd like it by: ASAP (please lol)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2023
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    I really need this if someone can make it, it would be great thank you!
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    It seems like a lot of work for something so common, there's just no real reason to make it. Perhaps ask the author of the plugin. They were active on Spigot 58 minutes ago.
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    Yeah, I've asked him he said he would be able to make it in 3-4months cause he's busy
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    No longer need this
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