Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MuisYa, Sep 17, 2011.

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    I Agree
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    Got a list?
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    alexanderpas likes this.
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    We need more exp orb (remove) plugins
    LeonBlade and Tadas159 like this.
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    Don Redhorse

    well honestly... some of them ARE unique.. so I would all put them into the same bag..

    btw: did anybody count how many TNT Notifier Plugins we have?
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    @Switch0r I made a OrbRemoval plugin which works... WHY do you need another one lol...

    @Don Redhorse 40? xD

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
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    I am using yours :)
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    Ahh, glad to hear :3
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    Sagacious_Zed Bukkit Docs

    varesa likes this.
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    Hahahaha! I saw that cartoon once to yeh xD
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    Yes, let's only have one home plugin that only functions in one way as I hate options! Also, can we make it so the first person to create a plugin with X functionality is the official 'owner' of that functionality? Because I love it when a shitty plugin author becomes the defacto 'owner' of a plugin functionality not based upon competance but instead on the fact they they were 'first'.

    Yes, what a great idea, let's get rid all of these home plugins, who needs choices or non-buggy plugins?

    This post brought to you by sarcasm.
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    I think what he means is that everyone can bring something different to the table. Just because its a home plugin doesn't mean that it is the same as every single home plugin in existance. People think of different features, functionality, methods, etc. I can understand not wanting 15 plugins that only do '/sethome' and '/home', but barring people from using their imagination can lose us new functionality.
    Father Of Time and phondeux like this.
  15. Offline


    Thank you, you said what I was trying to say but so much more eloquently. :)
  16. Offline


    It took many weeks of training to control my sarcasm :D
  17. Offline


    if you have a home cast time of 10 seconds, and you move, what plugin cancels the homecasttime if you choose to move?
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
    tips48 likes this.
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    I'm making a plugin that modifies the amount of exp that certain mobs drop... that count? It doesn't just remove ALL the orbs, like all the other ones out there -_-
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    Why, its already fixed....
  21. Offline


    Beat me to it, Damn.
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    Don Redhorse

    I meant ofcourse I wouldn't put all of them into the same bag... sigh..
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    Obviously what Don is saying is that if you have a plugin for home that LITERALLY just does /home and /sethome then it should go in one bag where obviously it's babby's first programming so people can recognize what's actually worth the time.

    Not to discourage those who make these little plugins, I think it's great so many people are learning how to program, back when I got into programming there weren't many people my age who knew a thing about programming that I knew personally. Now everywhere you see people getting into programming, and Bukkit is teaching people that keeping things open source is a good thing blah blah all that stuff.

    But I mean, we don't need another plugin that does the same thing as X plugin to equal or lesser value.

    Now if you had a Home plugin that allowed you to set home based on... I don't know, what you had in your inventory for whatever reason this was a good idea and it's something new and useful then by all means go and do it.

    tl;dr Originality is needed here, let's not turn Bukkit plugins into a "MakeMyItem" situation where everything is generic and overdone...
  24. Offline


    I mean you can modify the AMOUNT of orbs dropped by each mob, not just disable it entirely.

    Take a look?

    Anyways, I agree that there are too many plugins that are pretty much clones of another one.
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    What the heck FishRock?
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    Father Of Time

    I simply don't agree... As stated by the minority of responders, I'd rather have a plethora of choices to select from and be forced to research their functionality to find the one ideal for my needs than to have only one option that forces me into a cookie cutter mold that may or may not meet all of my needs.

    I mean this with all due respect, but this conversation reminds me of the conversations that pop up every so often complaining about all of the permissions systems out there, complaining that it's too confusing because of the large quantity of available permission systems; but in almost every situation the root of the problem is that the developer looking to utilize one of the many plug-ins is too lazy to do the appropriate research to find the plug-in that best meets their needs, then complains to the community when the one they chose either isn't what they wanted, or doesn't work properly.

    even if there was 100 plug-ins that all did nearly the exact same thing, it would only take but a day or two to do some reading, do a little inquiring on the forums, and doing a little trial and error to find the appropriate one for you.

    Sorry guys, I just don't agree with this complaint at all, it simply sounds like apathy to me... :(
  28. Offline


    I agree with Father of Time, but why is this being brought up? This thread started in like September, and then was bumped up today all of a sudden.
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    Father Of Time

    *shrugs* I don't pay attention to post dates, I just monitor the 10 newest post all day long, sometimes a post gets necro'ed and I happen to jump on the bandwagon by mistake. :D
  30. Offline


    It might have to do with this thread started today
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