
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Sergeant1337, Apr 19, 2011.

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    Can't bukkit make a auto-update for the bukkit program and for all the plugins? Like minecraft got now.
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    it's called fill.. they're working on it
  3. Offline


    O.O! I've been dying for something like this... Where can I read more? Sorry if that's a stupid question... it's just a forum search was sort of hit and miss...
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    Well the info is fragmented all around the forum really, so you cannot find it that easily, best to wait.
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    Daww. Thanks I appreciate the answer :)
  6. Offline


    Bukkit is working with Mojang on making something like that. Hence the "Update Now?" feature that Notch so kindly incorporated to the Minecraft Launcher.

    This whole project is more complicated than all of you might think. The guys with Bukkit are trying to code the server software in such a way that it won't break after every update. Unfortunately that is more difficult that it sounds.

    Just have patience young one. =D
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