Filled Auto Miner/Mining Machine (Similar to Tekkit Laser Drills)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Jhwx, Dec 2, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Economy, Fun, Mechanics, Role Playing

    Suggested name: Mining Machines or similar

    What I want: I would like a plugin similar to the Mining Machine Plugin, as it is outdated and no longer works. Here is the basis of how I would like it to work:
    - I would like it to work similar to Laser Drills from the Tekkit Modpack. As such, I would like it to generate the ore/resources rather than actually mining the ground for the items that are physically there. Please note when I say similar to the Mod, I do not mean with extra blocks. I simply desire it to function the same way.

    - Because the ore would be randomly generated for the machine, I would like it to be generated in a way that would not be too OP, such as there would be a (possibly configurable?) set chance for certain ores or blocks for the machine to generate.

    - The items from the Mining Machine should not be generated quickly, (also configurable?) to prevent users from attaining extremely large amounts of materials.

    - Possibly Tiers of the machines? For example, Tier 1 mines slowly, gets you basic ores, while the higher Tier mines very quickly, gets you everything?

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions:
    - mm.create - Allows a user to create a mining machine.
    - mm.use - Allows a user to use a mining machine.
    [If generation percentage can be configured]
    - mm.luck.2 - Increases the amount of rarer items the machine will generate.
    - mm.luck.3
    and so on..
    [If yield is configurable]
    - mm.boost.2 - Boosts the generation rate by 2

    When I'd like it by: Whenever possible.

    If anyone could do this for me, I would be unbelievably appreciative. If not, I fully understand. No worries.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    @Jhwx The plugin works fine for me, exception for an exception on startup, but after that it's flawless.

    Nevermind. It works, but spams the console.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  3. Offline


    Hrm. Guess I did something wrong then!

    However, I am still interested in the "generation" feature or idea. Would it be possible for your or anyone else to do this?
  4. Offline

    Mrs. bwfctower

    Yeah I take back what I said. It spams the console.
  5. Offline


    Ah. No worries, thanks.
  6. Offline


    Still need this plugin...
    To clarify, all I really need is an updated version of the plugin Mining Machine with one or two features added to it.
  7. Offline

    Mrs. bwfctower

    But for somebody other than the original developer to make it, they'd have to redo everything because the original is all rights reserved. Have you tried contacting the original developer to update it?
  8. Offline


    It's actually not hard to create this, I once did a plugin called OneBlockFarm, wich did kind of the same thing, but with farm things, like wheat. The hardest thing is to register the places, where the block are placed
  9. Offline


    As of November 20th, the plugin developer stated they were working on a new project involving the plugin, so I'm unsure as to whether or not it will be updated. Although I would like the plugin updated, I also seek more features along with it, hence why I am asking for a new one to be developed.
    However, if no one is willing to create a new plugin I will simply wait for an update to be pushed out.
  10. Offline

    Mrs. bwfctower

    It wouldn't. I'm just saying it's not as easy as changing a few lines and adding some features.
  11. Offline


    @mcdorli I really hate to ask, but do you think you would be able to create this because you have made something similar to it in the past? I fully understand if you are not willing to do so.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  12. Offline


    Plugin is still needed. If anyone can help I would appreciate it very much.
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


  15. Watching this thread. May give it a crack after christmas.
    What do you want this machine to look like?
  16. Offline


    Whoa, that'd be awesome if you did! Hmm... haven't really thought that out..
    Maybe something similar to what it looked like in the plugin listed in the description. So a piston facing downward with a block on top with a lever.
  17. Though. You don't want it breaking blocks. The piston moving might push blocks, etc.?
    Do you want this to be a crafted item or some sort of multiblock structure?
  18. Offline


    It would be cool if you had to craft all of the blocks to put together in a multiblock, but if that will be difficult to do, just make one of the blocks a crafted item please.

    Correct, I would prefer it not to break blocks. I didn't think about it pushing them, however. Will it even be able to push the blocks still? If that would be a problem I could think of another block to do it with.
  19. Offline


    Is there a limit to how many one person can place?
  20. Offline


    I don't think there should be, although I can see that being an issue. Maybe that could be configurable? It shouldn't be easy to attain one of them, but once you have one it could be pretty easy to make hundreds. So maybe they should be limited to 10. Thanks!
  21. Offline


    Well, that depends, I have currently set it up to have the location stored so that unlimited can be placed, but I suppose I could do a limit.
  22. Offline


    A limit would be preferable. If that would be difficult to do don't worry about it.
  23. You're doing this request?
  24. Offline


    I've started it, considering you said you'd do it after christmas. Unless you want to do it?
  25. CraftCreeper6 likes this.
  26. Offline


    Almost finished now anyway. :)

    Tell me if anything doesn't work the way you want it too. It mines every 5 minutes, as soon as you load the plugin it will generate two configs, please change the values to match your needs or it will likely throw errors. The multiblock is as follows


    a = Obsidian
    b = Lever

    As soon as the lever is placed, it will be replaced with a chest.

    If any of the two blocks, Chest or Obsidian are destroyed or moved, the mining rig will no longer work and will be removed from configuration.

    Requires permission mm.create to create a mining machine
    I did not understand the mm.use permission you added, this is an automatic system.


    If there are any problems, please feel free to contact me.

    Here it is. <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Here's a quick example.
    Just realised you can see all my tests in the background ;p

    EDIT: If you think that Tiers and 2x Generation is mandatory, just ask. I'll see what I can do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2016
  27. Offline


    [quote uid=90914763 name="CraftCreeper6" post=3294207]@BreezerFly
    Almost finished now anyway. :)

    Tell me if anything doesn't work the way you want it too. It mines every 5 minutes, as soon as you load the plugin it will generate two configs, please change the values to match your needs or it will likely throw errors. The multiblock is as follows


    a = Obsidian
    b = Lever

    As soon as the lever is placed, it will be replaced with a chest.

    If any of the two blocks, Chest or Obsidian are destroyed or moved, the mining rig will no longer work and will be removed from configuration.

    Requires permission mm.create to create a mining machine
    I did not understand the mm.use permission you added, this is an automatic system.


    If there are any problems, please feel free to contact me.

    Here it is. <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Here's a quick example.
    Just realised you can see all my tests in the background ;p

    EDIT: If you think that Tiers and 2x Generation is mandatory, just ask. I'll see what I can do.[/QUOTE]
    Holy cow! Thank you so so much! For now I don't think the Tiers are mandatory, but it would help out a lot to have them. If you don't feel like doing that, don't worry about it. Thank you so much for doing this, I really really appreciate it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2016
  28. Offline


    Does it work like you want it to?
  29. Offline


    Working with it right now, pretty sure I messed some things up, but for the most part yes. I can't get the miners to mine anything, but as I said I'm certain I've done something wrong.
  30. Offline


    Do you have permission, and it takes a long time to get a material. You need to have the items in the config set to something higher than 0 or it wont work. Also - you need to specify the world in the config too.
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