Authme password

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by alexlab963, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: idk

    Suggested name: authmepass

    What I want: I want a plugin that logs authme passwords of plaers in a file

    What the developer should notice(for help)
    - The password are logged only if the register/changepassword commands are successful
    - The password are log when you do the register command for first time
    - The password change when a player does the changepassword command

    Ideas for commands: password [name] to show the password of the player

    Ideas for permissions: access to /password authmepassword.nolog players with this permissions wil not get their password logged

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible
  2. Offline


    alexlab963 I would do this, but it seems it could be used for a malicious purpose....
  3. Offline


    Well since i am the owner what the problem?
  4. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    alexlab963 Why do you have authMe in the first place? Offline mode servers aren't supported.
  5. Offline


    1) I might want some more protection on my server
    2) You can find authme on bukkit so...
    3) In all the threads i have seen you , you always tell people what they are doing wrong and you have never made a plugin for them

    So please leave me alone!
  6. Offline


    1) This plugin contradicts the protection of passwords for Authme.
    2) Authme is not needed on Online-mode servers as the native Authentication/Session/Login system is secure. Offline-mode doesn't have this protection, so Authme is a natural resolution.
    3) I've seen him make plugins in threads before, look in his signature.
  7. Offline


    1) Gerov said he can make it
    2)I care about stolen premuim accounts
    3)I said that i havent seen him and not that he has never made one

  8. 1) Even if with this you can see passwords and there is no purpose and could be used wrongly.
    2) Yes because Online-Mode servers can use it.
    3) He made a plugin for me and he has made about 30+ more.

    1) But he also said he won't because it seems like it will be used wrongly
    2) How would getting this plugin help? All that happens is you or a hacker could steal there passwords.
    3) Now you have.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  9. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    alexlab963 1. Can't deny you that.
    2. Kinda the issue of the player in my opinion.
    3. Then you probably want to look better, all plugins in my signature are from requests, and I have a ton unlisted ones.
    4. I can respond when I want, pretty much what a forum is for.
  10. Offline


    timtower Gamecube762 bwfcwalshy alexlab963
    Let me just fix this listing atrocity that we have going here. Authme is in fact on; however, its purpose is mainly for offline servers. Online servers are protected by passwords. I don't see how seeing their passwords would allow you to detect "Stolen Premium Accounts". Including your skin, and your method of speech, it is pretty easy to assume you won't be using it for the good at all. Therefore, the community is allowed to decline your offer. Authme has encryption for passwords for a reason. I do believe that we would need an OK from the original AuthMe author prior to us bypassing its features.

    In conclusion, we will not be making this plugin for you. It contradicts the original plugin and causes security risks.
    Hawktasard and omon23 like this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Crud41 Now you mention it.
    alexlab963 How will a command to show the password elp protecting the server? You can use that password yourself to get new accounts...
  12. Offline


    As mentioned above, this would only lower security and increase the possibility of stolen accounts on your server( or any other one that downloads it). Authme already has encrypted passwords, storing an unencrypted copy of those passwords will only make it easier to steal.

    Anyone with a malicious intent could use this to steal Passwords from players as players can get lazy with password security.
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