Auction Chest

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by AcidTone, Nov 19, 2017.

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    Minecraft version: 1.8-1.8.9

    Suggested name: AucChest

    What I want: Hello I have been researching for ages for this plugin. The plugin is for a prison server. As you know there are cells with a rent on it, after the rent passes all the items in the cell disappear. I want this plugin where all the chest in that cell transfer into a building called "Auction House" where chest spawn in a certain position inside the building. The chests will have a price from $100-$5000. Once u buy the chest you have access to opening it and getting the items inside. A good example of what I mean is this: . At 0:19 you will see how they look.

    Ideas for command: /aucchest place, and /aucchest reload.

    Ideas for permission: aucchest.permission

    When I'd like it by: ASAP

  2. Offline


    1. What plugin are you using as prison plugin?
    2. How is the price determined?
    3. How would this plugin know where to put the chests? Config or in a random location?
    4. What happens to the chest if it has been bought but not been (fully) emptied?
  3. Offline


    1. Idk I'm working on the map and im doing it on a free host where I just need the basic plugins like worldedit.
    2. Prices are randomly created from $100-$5000. If that doesn't work than make it so the more items there is in the chest the more it costs.
    3. The chest will be placed in a specific location and to do that I thought we could use worldedit to select the location.
    4. When you buy the chest you have 1 minute and 30 seconds to empty it. Failure to do so it will just disappear.
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    How would the plugin know if rent has been payed?
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    When the cell expires I want the stuff to transfer into the chests.
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