Attempting to support PEX

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Taien, Oct 6, 2011.

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    I'm having a lot of trouble getting my plugin to notice the PermissionsEx plugin. I followed the instructions on the wiki for it:
    if (pm.isPluginEnabled("PermissionsEx"))
                permissions = PermissionsEx.getPermissionManager();
                usepermsex = true;
                System.out.println(ptag + " Using PermissionsEx.");
    But it doesn't detect PermissionsEx. Am I doing something wrong? This code is from the onEnable method, near the end.
  2. Add the line
    softdepend: [PermissionsEx]
    to your plugin.yml.
    The reason why PermissionsEx might not be detected is because your plugin might load before PermissionsEx does, thus it is not enabled yet. Adding a depend in your plugin makes it load after the depending plugins.
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