Solved Arena/Lobby System

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Link_Awesomesause, Dec 27, 2016.

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  1. Making a minigame, I have the arena saved as a schematic, and am able to load it with lets say a method called "load"[ie: load("Myschematic.schematic")]

    How would the code look like to create an arena, teleport players to it, and do it multiple times. for example. one arena accommodates 5 people, 25 people join by typing a command. It places them in lobbies while they wait(you don't have to give code for lobbies, i can manage without it) and create 5 arenas to accommodate all 25 people and teleport them....
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    Well what's done so far? And this code really isn't difficult, just have some way of knowing where these areas are, and teleport players there.
  3. @mythbusterma

    I made the game, but couldnt do much of it breaking my head on this. I'm not able to wrap my head around the idea of creating and deleting arenas, so I was wondering if there is a better way to handle this. Creatng multiple worlds also is a consideration if it comes down to that...

    Exactly where I'm stuck. Do I create a new arenas, and add it to a list, do I create a new world, do I just make one arena and keep the players waiting.. i need to know a performance friendly way of doing this..
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    It really depends on what you want to do. What you could do is have a master copy of the world that doesn't change, and before each match, copy the world and load that one. At the end of a match, just delete the world.

    That is usually the fastest way to do it.
  5. @mythbusterema

    I figured another way, create an empty world for all the arenas and when someone creates an arena then add it to the empty world and tp players there

    Sent from my SM-A700FD using Tapatalk
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