Anti Advertiser

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by XxDawnsusxX, Nov 8, 2015.

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    Plugin category: General/Mechanics

    Suggested name: StopThemADs

    What I want: A simple plugin to block people from advertising their servers. But instead of warning them, in chat it will change the IP address to ***.**.***..... Aswell as adding a blacklist/whitelist to allow certain words in. But to mainly block the first words of the server address e.g play.minecraft, mc.server etc. This will hopefully trigger that it's a server IP and replace all with *.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed for this plugin

    When I'd like it by: Anytime
  2. Offline


    Won't people just bypass it then with "dot"com or something?
  3. Offline


    People will always find a way to bypass a word filter. Once you can catch everything that isn't allowed to go through, you'll start to "catch" stuff that shouldn't be caught.
    MasterDoctor likes this.
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    @XxDawnsusxX Your best chance would be a filter plugin and I guess you could put the IP of the servers that are being advertised on your server the most. But there are an infinite amount of ways to bypass this.
  6. Offline


    It's possible to bypass any word filter, but we still use them right?
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    I don't
  8. Offline


    Yeah I understand that 100%, just I thought there would be something just to block the simple . servers or even add in blocked ways with the , So like play. and play, if some tries to start off with those for an example it would trigger that its an ip and change it too ***. I know theres way to bypass, but it's best to try and limit down the advertisers out there with the basic ways to advertise their servers.
  9. Offline


    There is

    You ban them
  10. Offline


    Having active moderators is one way to solve it. I don't suggest censoring words like "play", that's just silly if you're going to assume that every sentence using "play" is an IP. I'd be annoyed.
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    Not all staff are on 24/7. They do have lives outside minecraft.

    Yeah having active moderators is good, they'll advertise their server just in before you can ban them leaving their server ip in the chat for you to then loose players..... Thats why with this, when it is put out in the server it will be replaced with ***.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2015
    gal0511Dev likes this.
  12. Offline


    Their first message will, sure.
    But then when they see it's starred out, they'll say it in a different format and be around it already.
    Then what?
  13. Offline


    You obviously have no clue what I'm needing do you... I simply wanted a plugin made for what i've said, not just to talk about the plugin.
  14. Offline


    Mmmmmmmmmk good luck
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  16. Offline


    I saw an interesting of workaround for this on a server a recently. A player would just have target players TPA to them before showing the target player the server IP (which they had placed on signs as signs are not affected by chat filters).
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    And then you apply the filters to signs. And then they come up with another bypass. And so on. And then you block too much, and your once popular server is now a ghost town. And then all messages sent are ones that would be allowed to go through! Problem solved!
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