
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BlueCrafter12, Jan 25, 2015.

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    Plugin Name: AnimatedSign
    What i want:
    I want some cool features of signs.Like
    -Scrollling Text (Color code Support)
    -Animation,Which i can setup up my own Animation like:

    Speed: 1

    Like Every Seconds the Word will be Change by everylines that written
    Scrolling text - <scroll>

    /as select - You must set first the sign by //wand
    /as setline (no) (text)
    /as removeline (no)
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    You dont need a plugin for this, you can dpo it in vanilla minecraft.

    BlueCrafter12 likes this.
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    Can someone make it easy? Lel.
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    I think this plugin would be a great idea :D
    Its very tricky to use clocks with bukkit because
    for some reason they stop (I think on restarts) randomly.
    To do it with command blocks would be difficult, but I
    support the plugin Idea :D
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    I will make it. I will reply here once I'm done.

    here is what it might have:
                        sender.sendMessage("§6/§esign wand §7'wand to select location'");
                        sender.sendMessage("§6/§esign create §7'create sign with current wand left click'");
                        sender.sendMessage("§6/§esign delete §7'delete the sign you selected with the wand'");
                        sender.sendMessage("§6/§esign addText <0,1,2,3> <text> §7'you can add text many times to the same line'");
                        sender.sendMessage("§6/§esign removeLine <0,1,2,3> §7'remove the line to set it to nothing'");
                        sender.sendMessage("§6/§esign setRotating <true, false> §7'Should the line rotate?'");
                        sender.sendMessage("§6/§esign setSpeed <amount> §7'Don't put 0 something might go wrong :P'");
                        sender.sendMessage("§6/§esign setRotatingSpeed <amount> §7'Don't put 0 something might go wrong :P'");
    Sorry about the code but you can understand :p

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2015
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    @StefanXX When you need to use colors in code it is much easier to use (ChatColor.GOLD + String) rather than the special character. ChatColor.BLUE and other colors is just an easier way to do the special character.
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    No I find it difficult lol wth. it takes a lot more to do it that way.
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