An update on Staff applications

Discussion in 'Community News and Announcements' started by EvilSeph, Dec 21, 2011.

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    About one month ago we asked you, the community, for individuals to step forward to offer their time to help the community, and/or help maintain the BukkitDev system. We've had an overwhelming response to this call which just goes to show the dedication of the community. Since then, we've added 6 new faces to our staff and we're at the point where we feel we have enough for now.

    However, our application process is an open-ended system, and whenever we need new staff we will be looking through applications received for those willing and able. So if you feel you would be willing to help, you are welcome to submit your application now, or at any time in the future.

    We'd like to thank you for your show of support for this community, as it does make us proud to have so many willing volunteers. So thank you, and we look forward to working with some of you in the future.
    Don Redhorse and Rahazan like this.
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    Sadly, that avatar is of Santa. I will confirm or deny nothing. :p

    The other forum is good.
  3. Offline


    @TnT sorry for diverting you seriously offtopic.
    ps. I saw pink and thought Pig.
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    tyzoid and iPhysX like this.
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    There is no real reason for old applications to take priority, but they'll still be there for new ones to compete against. It isn't as if we're saying "This application is too old"
    This is the plan. This has always been the plan.
    The other thread would be preferred.
  6. *grabs the insect porn*
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    Okay I think that's enough for this particular @TnT derail.
    tips48, iPhysX and pyraetos like this.
  8. Offline


    I came up with a snazzy heading for this: "TNT GO BOOM".

    What'dya think? I think I should get a badge for that ;)
  9. Offline


    Someone needs to install Regios on the forum so @TnT can't prime.
    Kohle likes this.
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    Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, WELL played.

    Edit: lolz. Infraction...
  11. Offline


    I think you guys need to check this Addon out for your forums, XenForo

    [LiquidPro] Simple Forms

    To see and example in the works Check out my Application Process I have two Setup

    DwD MindCrack Application


    League Of Legends Application

    This is just the many things you can do And I feel it would work great for you guys! There is a free version of it but it doesn't offer as much as if you paid for a license which DwD Have, Plus Version! Hope this helps!


    Also I forgot to tell you that if you pay for it when you hit submit you can have it get displayed in a Forum Category as a Thread, Very useful Check out How it gets Dispalyed when a users submits a minecraft app
  12. Offline


    Thanks for the reply.
  13. Offline


    I would like a personalized turn down reason for my mental application for Official Forum Douchebag, @TnT don't disappoint me!
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