Advanced colored message StringBuilder class

Discussion in 'Resources' started by bergerkiller, Jul 23, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    This simple class allows developers to write colour-rich messages easier, without long lines. It also adds simplicity, since the function name covers the colour of the String expression inside.
    import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
    public class Message {
        private StringBuilder _builder;
        Message() {
            this._builder = new StringBuilder();
        public Message newLine() {
            return this;
        public Message append(ChatColor color, String text) {
            return this;
        public Message aqua(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.AQUA, text);
        public Message black(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.BLACK, text);
        public Message blue(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.BLUE, text);
        public Message darkaqua(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.DARK_AQUA, text);
        public Message darkblue(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.DARK_BLUE, text);
        public Message darkgray(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.DARK_GRAY, text);
        public Message darkgreen(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN, text);
        public Message darkpurple(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE, text);
        public Message darkred(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.DARK_RED, text);
        public Message gold(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.GOLD, text);
        public Message gray(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.GRAY, text);
        public Message green(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.GREEN, text);
        public Message lightpurple(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE, text);
        public Message red(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.RED, text);
        public Message white(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.WHITE, text);
        public Message yellow(String text) {
            return this.append(ChatColor.YELLOW, text);
        public String toString() {
            return this._builder.toString();
        public String end() {
            return this.toString();
        public Message rainbowWords(String... words) {
            int readcount = 0;
            ChatColor[] colors = ChatColor.values();
            while (readcount < words.length) {
                for (int i = 0;i < colors.length;i++) {
                    readcount += 1;
                    if (readcount == words.length) break;
            return this;
        public Message rainbow(String text) {
            int readcount = 0;
            ChatColor[] colors = ChatColor.values();
            while (readcount < text.length()) {
                for (int i = 0;i < colors.length;i++) {
                    readcount += 1;
                    if (readcount == text.length()) break;
            return this;
    String msg = new Message().red("An error occured: ").yellow("The player: ").white(p.getName()).yellow(" tried to freeze your server by ").black(reason.toString()).toString();
    p.sendMessage(new Message().red("Please don't touch our garden!").end());
    It can be added as a separate class file in any Bukkit-related project. Feel free to use, modify and distribute it as you wish. If you want to give Credit, go ahead. :)
    Twenty-Four, nil0bject and Cabbage like this.
  2. Offline


    Epic, I'm starting making plugins and this is a great help, thanks :)
  3. why you did't extended StringBuilder, thats way you dont need to define sutch an number of methodes
    EDIT: wait stringbuilder is an final class, make this else imp,lements the following interfaces: Serializable, Appendable, CharSequence, like StringBuilder does
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