[ADMN/WEB] [BukkitDev] Buycraft -The most advanced Donation Plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by lmc, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]
    Over 100,000 servers have used Buycraft over the last 2 years.
    What is Buycraft, and why does my Minecraft server need it?
    Buycraft enables you to sell in game items/memberships to your community, allowing yourself to fund your server bills to keep your Minecraft server alive. Buycraft is basically an online shopping cart system for your own server!​
    How will my players use Buycraft?
    After you have created a Buycraft account, you are given an online webstore which you can use to promote your items for sale. Your players will visit this website and be able to purchase the items that they want, be it a collection of armour, or a monthly VIP membership.​
    What can I sell to my users, and how?
    Buycraft enables you to sell ANYTHING to your users, from a collection of armour upgrades, to monthly VIP memberships. When a player purchases a product, it is automatically processed on your Minecraft server, and removes all hassle of managing payments by yourself. All these different options will take the worry out of funding your Minecraft server.​
    Some of the awesome features available:
    • Create donation packages which can reward your players with anything you imagine.
    • Setup advanced packages for memberships ranks, with support for automatic Paypal subscriptions.
    • Many Payment gateways supported! (Paypal, Stripe, Google Wallet, Paymentwall, 2Checkout, Onebip, Paygol, Payza, and Coinbase.)
    • Coupon codes to offer discounts to your players.
    • Run promotional sales to gain attention to certain donation packages.
    • Cumulative ranking to enable your players to upgrade their ranks.
    • Custom variables to offer advanced customisation of your packages.
    • Detailed donation statistics to see how well your server is performing.
    • Multiple webstores per account, with the ability to create sub accounts for your other moderators/administrators on your server.
    • Advanced fraud protection to prevent chargebacks.
    • Webstores available in over 8 languages.
    • You can change your webstore theme and even integrate it into your own website.
    • Everything is hosted by us, resulting in a hassle free and inexpensive way to run your own webstore! The Buycraft platform is updated regularly with many new features added each month.
    Have a feature suggestion? Post it below!

  2. Nope.
  3. Offline


    thanks :)
  4. Offline


    Hi !

    I'm new user of buycraft and i enjoy this plugin (i buy a premium account i still wait for the code to begin the webstore)

    I do some test with two paypal account but i'm not sure it work properly .

    i read the last news of this thread can you confirm we need to wait an update?

    (i'm french :p)
  5. You should automatically receive premium. Please send me a massage with purchase proof and your buycraft email. And you do not need to wait for an update, everything is working fine.
  6. Offline


    Question about the beastnode free premium, do they send me a code or something?

    edit: also, the website down? (9:50pm PST Nov 28th)
  7. Offline


    Yup website is down for me as well. (10pm pst)
  8. Offline


    website is down for me also
  9. Website is down. Cant do anything cause im on my phone. Just going to see what happens guys sorry

    Server providers are looking into the issue due to us loosing the servers data. I'm really pissed off with this issue at the moment and I can't do anything about it until I get home in the next 7 hours. So sorry about this.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
    dark_hunter likes this.
  10. Offline


    Hey lmc, when the site went down, when I tried to restart my server Buycraft caused a hang for more than 5 minutes on startup, which caused me to have to remove buycraft for the time being. Is there a way you can put in a timeout after 60 seconds or so to just continue on with plugin loading? It caused me quite a scare that there was something else going on. :(
  11. Offline


    Sorry to hear that, hopefully it will be fine when I wake up.
  12. It may come to the point where I have to do a 3 day rollback when I get home. I just want to point out that this was not my fault at all, and I couldn't do anything to prevent it. This has very annoyed me and the server provider is to be blaimed.


    There not that bad normally. When I get home I'll get it back up asap

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2018
  13. Offline


    Well if it comes to that way maybe you should switch to a better server provider.
  14. Offline


    Absolutely understandable. I hope you can get something worked out. :) Good luck!
  15. Thanks for understanding
  16. Offline


    Do :)
  17. Offline


    i hope its back up soon :<
    Who are your hosters, hey dont seem very reliable.


    I have 4 websites hosted with HostGator.
    Never have had any down time or lag.
    We get thousands of traffic a day too.

    Just use a better package then there default, they use Cpanel

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2019
  18. Shared hosting just dosent cut for Buycraft, they dont like us cause we get around 2000 requests per minute.
  19. Offline


    Hostgator isnt just shared hosting 0.0
  20. Yea, to be be fair my current hosting is fine, and i never have problems with them and I cant fault there support, the CEO is a good guy and helps out as much as possible. This is the only time something serious has gone wrong, and it wasnt their fault, it was their VPS management software what thought it would be nice to rebuild my VPS, wiping the entire data from it. Lucky I have a 2 day old backup, we are just going to have to deal with the rollback im afraid.
  21. Offline


    I'm guessing the down-website already got noticed, looking at the message above.
  22. Offline


    Yeah, he can't fix it until he is back ( 6 hours )
  23. Yea it has and once I get back home Ill be on the case of reinstalling everything. Around 2-3 days of data has been lost, however users existing purchases will not be removed from them or anything like that. Dont worry, nothing bad has happened and it wasnt my fault at all, the server provider messed up.

    Ill be home in 1.5 hours.
  24. Offline


  25. I saw Your suggestion in the first place. Im busy getting buycraft back up running if you havent noticed :p
  26. Offline


    That is if you can, you would need to sign up to CPALead and get verified and also be 18 years or else they will not accept your account. Also adding a postback is a pain.
  27. Exactly my point.
  28. Offline


    Share*Cash? =)
  29. Im busy with getting buycraft back up, I dont have time to talk about this at the moment, maybe others could help you out. Sorry.
  30. Offline


    Status lmc? :)

    U planning to move host?
  31. No, they just given me 2 months free hosting (Worth over £200) to say sorry.

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