Inactive [ADMN] Terms of Service v1.1 - Make sure your rules are read! [1.3.1-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by turqmelon, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Offline


    -= Current Version: 1.1 =-
    In short, TOS requires players to read and accept your server's rules in order to unlock certain actions that are configurable in the config.yml.

    The idea of Terms of Service is based off of AcceptRules. The difference? TOS is packed with configuration to fit almost any server. There are no extra data files to hold additional user data, either, as it keeps track of who's accepted your rules via an already existing permissions plugin.

    One thing I should note: TOS is NOT a rules plugin. This is intended as an add-on to whatever other rules plugin you use, to help enforce them or use a basic graylist system. (For example, typing /rules without another rules plugin will return an unknown command.)

    • Require players to read each and every page of your rules.
    • Configure who sees what messages. (Log attempted skips to the console, while broadcasting rule-accepts to the server.)
    • Restrict things like building, chatting, or interacting if they haven't accepted the rules.
    • Configurable spawn and teleport points. (If enabled in the config)
    • Configurable reminder to tell those that have not accepted your rules to do so!
    • Configurable command whitelist or blacklist
    • Limit how many "guests" can be logged in at one time (If enabled in the config)
    • Configure a name color for "guests" that would be set via display name
    • Change the gamemode of "guests", and set them to another when the accept. (Put guests in Adventure mode, then survival when they accept.)
    • Add or remove players from permission groups when they accept
    • Add or remove permission nodes from players when they accept
    • Deposit or withdraw money from a player when they accept
    • Execute specific commands when the player accepts. (As the console, or the player themself!)
    • Set punishments for those trying to perform actions they shouldn't.
    • Optionally require a password to be used after /accept. New!
    • Vault
    • A permissions plugin (Anything supported by Vault. PEX, GroupManager, bPerms...)
    • A rules manager (Essentials, MCDocs...)
    Commands (open)

    • /tos - Shows the plugin help menu
    • /tos settp - Sets the teleport point for players who accept the rules
    • /tos setspawn - Sets the spawn point for "guests".
    • /tos guestlimit - Temp. enable/disable the guest limit if it's enabled in the config
    • /tos add [Player] - Manually adds a player to the accepted list without executing config stuff
    • /tos del [Player] - Removes an accepted player
    • /accept - Accepts the rules (Only available after all pages have been read.)
    • /acceptRules - Alias to /accept
    • /acceptTerms - Alias to /accept

    Permissions (open)

    TOS uses SuperPerms, if your permissions plugin doesn't, you need a new permissions plugin. :D
    • - Allows viewing of the help menu
    • tos.settp - Allows setting of the teleport point
    • tos.setspawn - Allows setting of the spawn point
    • tos.guestlimit - Allows temp. toggling of the guest limit
    • tos.add - Allows adding players to the accepted list
    • tos.del - Allows remove players from the accepted list
    • tos.accept - Allows use of any of the accept commands
    • tos.bypass - Bypass restrictions, whether accepted or not
    • tos.notify - Players with this will get messages set to send to staff members
    • tos.accepted - Automatically given to players who accept the rules

    Configuration (open)

    # Terms of Service Configuration
    enable-accept-command: true # Enables/disables /accept. Used for future features
    your-rules-command: /rules # The command TOS will check
    rule-pages: 4 # The amount of pages of rules you have. (Max of 10 for now)
    use-teleportation: true # Whether or not to use tp and spawn points
    enable-reminder: true # Whether or not to send "guests" the reminder.
    reminder-delay-seconds: 60 # How often the message will be sent
    reminder: You still have not accepted our rules, %name%! Type /rules to do so! # The message to send.

    enable-password: false # Whether or not to require a 'password' argument
    password: 'password' # The required password
    limit-maximum-unaccepted: false # Whether or not to limit the max guests.
    maximum-unaccepted: 16 # The cap for allowed on at once.
    color-unaccepted-players: false # Whether or not to change the player's name color
    name-color: 4 # The color to change it to
    prevent-building: true # Prevents placing blocks
    prevent-breaking: true # Prevents breaking blocks
    prevent-interacting: true # Prevents right-clicking objects
    prevent-damaging: true # Prevents hurting entities
    prevent-taking-damage: true # Prevents taking damage (god mode)
    prevent-movement: false # Prevents moving
    prevent-chatting: false # Prevents speaking
    prevent-pickup: true # Prevents picking up items
    prevent-drop: true # Prevents dropping items
    command-list: # The commands to whitelist/blacklist
    - /command1
    - /command2
    - /command3
    command-list-mode: blacklist
    # The list's mode ^^^
    # Blacklist - Blocks the commands on that list
    # Whitelist - Blocks all commands but the ones on that list
    # All - Blocks all commands but TOS related ones
    # None - Blocks no commands at all
    console: # Actions set to true will be logged to console
    tell-on-accept: true
    tell-on-attempted-skip: true
    tell-on-attempted-accept: true
    tell-on-unaccepted-login: true
    tell-on-unaccepted-quit: true
    permission: # Actions set to true will be told to players with 'tos.notify'.
    tell-on-accept: true
    tell-on-attempted-skip: true
    tell-on-attempted-accept: true
    tell-on-unaccepted-login: true
    tell-on-unaccepted-quit: true
    operators: # Actions set to true will be told to Operators
    tell-on-accept: false
    tell-on-attempted-skip: false
    tell-on-attempted-accept: false
    tell-on-unaccepted-login: false
    tell-on-unaccepted-quit: false
    everyone: # Actions set to true will be broadcasted for all to see.
    tell-on-accept: false
    tell-on-attempted-skip: false
    tell-on-attempted-accept: false
    tell-on-unaccepted-login: false
    tell-on-unaccepted-quit: false
    change-gamemode: false # Whether or not the change the player's gamemode
    not-accepted-gamemode: 2 # The gm to set a guest to
    on-accepted-gamemode: 0 # The gm to set an accepted player to on use of /accept
    add-group: false # Whether or not to add a player to a group
    new-group: Member # Target group
    remove-group: false # Whether or not to take a player from a group
    old-group: Guest # Target group
    add-permissions: false # Whether or not to give permissions to the specific player
    add-these: # The permissions to give
    - permission.two
    - permission.three
    del-permissions: false # Whether or not to take permissions from the specific player
    take-these: # The permissions to take
    - permission.four
    - permission.five
    - permission.six
    add-money: false # Whether or not to deposit money
    add-amount: 50 # The amount to deposit
    take-money: false # Whether or not to withdraw money
    take-amount: 50 # The amount to withdraw
    execute-commands: false # Whether or not to execute commands
    execute-as: console
    # Who to send the command as.
    # Console - Sends the command as if the console typed it
    # Sender - Sends the command as if the acceptee sent it
    execute-list: # The commands to send. Use %name% for the player's name.
    - ConsoleCommand1
    - ConsoleCommand2
    - ConsoleCommand3
    enable-punishments: false # Whether or not to use punishments
    # Available Punishments
    # Burn - Sets the player on fire for ~10 seconds.
    # Lightning - Strikes the player with lightning.
    # Kick - Kicks the player
    # Ban - Bans the player
    # Drop - Teleports the player 200 blocks up from their current position.
    # Starve - Sets the player's food to 0.
    # Kill - Sets the player's health to 0.
    punish-attempted-build: true
    build-punishment: kick
    punish-attempted-break: true
    break-punishment: kick
    punish-attempted-interact: false
    interact-punishment: lightning
    punish-attempted-damaging: false
    damaging-punishment: kick
    punish-attempted-chatting: false
    chatting-punishment: kick
    punish-attempted-command: false
    command-punishment: kick
    messages: # A few configurable messages.
    accepted-terms: '%name% has accepted the rules!'
    accepted-player-message: Thank you for accepting our rules! Have fun!
    permission-error: You do not have access to that command.
    read-rules-first: You have not even read our rules yet!
    dont-skip-pages: Please do not skip pages!
    building: You need to accept our rules before you can build!
    breaking: You need to accept our rules before you can build!
    interacting: You need to accept our rules before using that!
    damaging: You need to accept our rules before attacking!
    chatting: You cannot chat until you accept our rules!
    command: That command is blocked until you accept our rules!

    Download Latest Version from BukkitDev

    Those updating from a previous build should refresh their config to get the latest features.


    Version 1.1 - [8/18/2012]
    • Added configuration setting to enable/disable /accept. Used for future features
    • Added configuration setting to require a password argument after /accept.
    • Known Bug: The teleport locations are not yet multiworld. The player will be teleported to the set coordinates of their current world.
    Version 1.0 - [8/17/2012]
    • Initial Release
    • Known Bug: The teleport locations are not yet multiworld. The player will be teleported to the set coordinates of their current world.
    Please note, this plugin will only be maintained for as long as people request it to be.
  2. Offline


    just genius
  3. Offline


    Thanks! :)

    First update. ^^

    Version 1.1 - [8/18/2012]
    • Added configuration setting to enable/disable /accept. Used for future features
    • Added configuration setting to require a password argument after /accept.
    • Known Bug: The teleport locations are not yet multiworld. The player will be teleported to the set coordinates of their current world.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
    tommytomtoo likes this.

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