[ADMN] Spawn List 0.10 - The Original Powerful Item Spawning Plugin [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by lego6245, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SpawnList: Take Back Item Spawning!
    Version RC1.0 -"Where the hell have you been, SuperPerms?" edition.​

    Vrc1.0: Updated for 1.7.3! SuperPerms! New Group System! I should update more!
    V0.9.2: Fixed a second stupid.
    V0.9.1: Fixed a stupid.
    Vo.9: Fixed a few bugs. Changed how inheritance works. By the way, it works.
    Vo.8: 1.5 update. I know I've fixed that bug now!
    V0.7.3: Removed horrible inheritance. Added 1.4 items
    V0.7.2: Less annoying puke, possible allowed fix.
    V0.7.1: MOAR FIXES!!!1!!1!111!2!!!one!!
    V0.7: Added /give. Hopefully fixed a bug.
    V0.6: Changed Packages. Actually fixed things :3
    V0.5: Thought I fixed a bunch of things.
    V0.4: new onCommand format. slreload works from console. New enable/disable message.
    V0.3: Added /slreload command. Added a toggle for the warning message. Cleaned up some language.
    V0.2: Fixed spawning by number, added function to designate number of items spawned by default, changed default to 1.
    V0.1: Release
    Ladies and gentlemen, it is the return of item spawning as it once was! Take back control of your user's item spawning habits with SpawnList, the Bukkit ready version of GroupSpawnlist, readapted and ready to go! I created this plugin because as far as I could see there was no way to properly regulate item spawning in terms of what items your users could spawn. This plugin builds upon the item whitelist of hMod by adding these features:
    • Additive or Deductive spawning! (Give a list of items you either want users to spawn or NOT want users to spawn)
    • Permissions support! (Designate different spawn lists for each group!)
    • It's own /item command!
    • Reload without restart, now from console and in-game!
    • Inheritance!
    I hope that this will become your most used plugin. A few reminders in order to make this the best possible:

    • You will need to disable any other /item commands that may exist in plugins like Essentials. Failure to do so might cause your users to get double the items they want.
    • You will need to configure your config.yml file according to a few rules, which I will outline.
    • Inheritance works as thusly: Parent group overrules children, but once it's true, it's done. Allow me to explain. If group A inherits groups B and C, then group A's policies will overrule groups B and C. However, if group B or C can spawn an item, then it is assumed that group A can spawn it as well. Keep this in mind.
    • There is a new system for groups with the new superperms. If you use super perms, listen up! You need to define in your config.yml file the world, then the user, then the group. Groups can also have children. See the new config file style below, and respond with any questions.
    Now, for the DL link, but first, if you like the plugin, Donate! Donators get access to my dropbox folder which contains everything I work on, including a few plugins that have never been released! Any amount is fine. Here are the links: Donate, Jar + Zip, Jar Only (Experimental)!

    To configure:
    • If you are using the Permissions plugin, here are the permissions used by Spawnlist:
      • spawnlist.item - Access the /item command
      • spawnlist.canspawnanything - If the user can spawn anything they want
      • spawnlist.spawnlisted - If you want the /item command to check the spawnlist for this user dead as of RC1.0 (why did I have this to begin with?)
      • spawnlist.reload - For users to have access to the /slreload command
      • spawnlist.give - Access to the /give command
    • In the config.yml file, the format is this:
    default-stack-size: 34 #change the default spawning amount
    show-warning: 1 #show warnings, 1 = yes, 0 = no
    superperms: false #change to true if you want to use superperms!
    default: #leave this no matter what
    allowed: #can be allowed or disallowed (NOT BOTH)
      - 1 #list numbers here
      - 2
      - 3
      - 4
       #children go here (try it out for me! only needed for superperms!)
    #other groups here (LOWERCASE)
    Remember, please post in this thread if the plugin works/doesn't work/makes you happy/sad/upset/laugh. I less then three feedback

    Lego6245 of enigmasm.com
  2. Offline


    What's slreload?
  3. Offline


    slreload is a new command that reloads the plugin's spawnlist without having to reload the entire plugin.
  4. Offline


    I can try. I just kept it enabled because the administrator and Mod used the essentials-item because they should not be restricted.
  5. Offline


    Give them spawnlist.item. If they don't have the spawnlist.spawnlisted permission thing, they won't be restricted. Same with OPs, they are exempt.
  6. Offline


    Hmm.. It only tells that the command is restricted when I tried... I have disabled item in essentials, and tried both with spawnlist.item and spawnlist.item + spawnlist.spawnlisted. I can't get it to work... But in the config file for this, i set it to disallowed and wrote some numbers. That means that they can spawn everything exept those items, right?
  7. Offline


    Yes. They should.
    --- merged: Feb 7, 2011 1:59 AM ---
    I mean, if you have disabled all other instances of /item, then it should work given just spawnlist.item.
  8. Offline


    Maybe you can help me out with an issue I'm having.

    Right now, I'm trying to use your plugin with Essentials. Both plugins use the /item command. So, currently, I can spawn anything. Do you know any way to circumvent this? They both use Permissions, if that makes a difference.
  9. Offline


    Go into essentials config and find the part where you can completely disable commands. Disable /item there. Then give everyone you want to spawn spawnlist.item, those you want spawnlisted spawnlist.spawnlisted, and those you want to spawn anything spawnlist.canspawnanything in your permissions config.
  10. Offline


    I had done all the Permissions stuff, but I didn't disable the command in Essential's config file. However, now, it won't let me spawn anything. Any other ideas?
  11. Offline


    I'll double check in my files, however, I KNOW you can disable a command directly in essentials. Try it there.
  12. Offline


    I know you can do it, and I did, but doing so didn't let me spawn anything at all, not even my whitelisted items.
  13. Offline


    Odd. I'll check to see what might be happening on my end.
    --- merged: Feb 7, 2011 7:17 PM ---
    Sorry, I need clarification. Does it give that "You can't spawn that message"? or something else?
  14. Offline


    On the client end, it doesn't say anything after I type in the command.
  15. Offline


    What about on the console? Anything there?
  16. Offline


    Absolutely nothing. :/
  17. Offline


    I have the plugin installed and it works for Mods (they have spawnlist.item and spawnlist.canspawnanything)
    Other groups always get "You can't spawn that"
    They have spawnlist.spawnlisted and spawnlist.item.
    Here is my config:

    default-stack-size: 64
    show-warning: 1
        - 10
        - 11
        - 7
        - 46
        - 10
        - 11
        - 7
        - 46
        - 10
        - 11
        - 7
        - 46
    I have Essentials too, but th command is disabled in the config and I deleted it from the plugin.yml inside the jar!
  18. Offline


    Hmm.... I'll have to check my plugin as well. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
  19. Offline


    Looks like something is not playing nice. Disabled the item and i command using the essentials config option:
    # Disabled commands will be completelly unavailable on the server.
    - nick
    - item
    - i

    Set my default user group to have spawnlist.item

    logged in and ran the command /item and nothing happens. console shows unknown command, and no items appear.

    Any thoughts?
  20. Offline


    Alright, judging from the input from everyone, I have deduced what might be the source of the problem. If you would please, remove essentials from your plugin folder and re-run. Then tell me if spawning works.
  21. Offline


    I just signed up on here after testing without essentials loaded (renamed the files to have .old at the end of the file) and i am getting the message saying im not allowed to use /item.

    'spawnlist.spawnlisted' is listed in permissions config file under Default: and i have also removed myself from admin to test. When still an admin, i am able to get the help message when i type the command, but only then.

    EDIT: I added 'spawnlist.item' into the permissions and was able to use the command as non admin again, and with essentials re-enabled, the help still shows up.
  22. Offline


    Do you have 'spawnlist.item' in the config as well?
    --- merged: Feb 11, 2011 7:51 PM ---
    Ok. So with essentials enabled and essential's item disabled, you can spawn as any group, correct?
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    Alright, so it's a problem with the disabled catch. Thats my best guess. I'll go back in and check, and v0.5 should be out soon.
    --- merged: Feb 12, 2011 2:52 AM ---
    V0.5 Released
    Fixed spawning issues when used with other plugins. (This should be true!)
    Fixed using disabled (And this too!)
  25. Offline


    Could you maybe add the version number to the filename of the zip? This way one can see the amongst multiple files if its newer.
  26. Offline


    Should be most current now.
  27. Offline


    I installed the latest version and when I remove myself from admin power, I can still not use /item, same error about not being able to spawn it.
  28. Offline


    Try it with items both on and off the list and tell me what happens.
  29. Offline


    Already did, should have said that, cant spawn any item, regardless if its on the list or not.
  30. Offline


    i donot know how to restrict a default group to only spawn certain items is it like this?

    default-stack-size: 34 #change the default spawning amount
    show-warning: 1 #show warnings, 1 = yes, 0 = no
    default: #leave this no matter what
    allowed: #can be allowed or disallowed
      - Default 1 2 3 4  <--------- ITEM Id's Here????????????????
    #any other groups go here, as defined in permissions
  31. Offline


    No. Use my pre-constructed thing. The "default:" below show warning marks the following as the default group. So whatever group is default, it should use that one.

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