Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline

    IOn Vash

    Umm.... Well I fixed it? IDK how but I did, I was just messing with the database and now it works.
  3. Offline


    Yes I'm sure I have database connected to web and I'm able to login to web, I'll try to connect to users db via cli
  4. Offline


    Yeah that wont work. Ebean is looking for a table called "authdb_users" if it doesnt find it: it will return an error like you got. Leave the Ebean table alone, its just a local cache, instead use a new table for just custom database and let AuthDB automaticly create it. The default value error is due to the conversion between SQlite and MySQL, I would say you shouldnt touch it and only let Ebean use it. You could change the default value for the MySQL columns and set NULL as default value, that should fix it.
    We are planning to add a local database in the near future, so that you can use Ebean for user storing/cache.

    Try that, if it fails tell me and I will see what we can do to fix it.

    Okay, glad you got it fixed :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2018
  5. Offline


    Hey i have a problem.... People Can Login To Other People And They Get kicked Even Though
    enabled: true                    # Enable/disable player sessions.
    start: login              # When to start the player's session. Options are login and logoff.
    length: 4 minutes                 # Length of the player's session. Can be any number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
    protect: true                  # Enable/disable protecting player from being logged out from another location.
    Protect is not working Properly on AuthDB Build 200 And For The Quick Fix i Made Session False And Now people are losing inventory.....

    oh ok yeah so temporary fix i turned off session and yes its not being logged on by the same ip

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2019
  6. Offline


    How do they login to other people?
    If you set session to false it shouldnt matter, inventory should be kept no matter what. I will look at it right away.
  7. Offline


    when people go ingame and type their password and someone tries to go into their same name they get kicked....
    while they weren't even suppose to be kicked.. cause protect:true... thats one of my problems..

    Edit: And Also they can access their account once someone logs off completely
  8. Offline


    The player will get kicked too if they haven't logged in yet. If they are logged in, they do not get kicked.

    Edit: It seems to not work ONLY if they are using a different character case.

    I got it figured out. We'll work on getting a fix for it.

    What do you mean by your edit? You need to explain that a bit better.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  9. Offline


    when someone eventually types their password in and they have to go log off.. Someone can go into their account without entering their password ... i thought the protect:true in the Session Area fixes this problem but it doesn't..
    Also when someone tries to login with the same name the person ingame gets kicked i thought thats prevented also?
  10. Offline


    Are they on the same network and IP? Sessions are verified by IP, so unless they are on the same network, then it should be doing its job. However, it seems that the below case also applies to this. We'll work on fixing it.

    As I said above, the protection does work, but not completely because of the character case difference. We are working on a fix.

    Thanks for the find Curthiany!
  11. Offline


    I connected via cli without problem. maybe I have something bad configured .. I'm newbie in DBs

    my users table:

    my authdb settings

    Show Spoiler
    language: English # Language you want to use that matches a directory under translations.
    debugmode: false # Enable/disable debugging mode and additional console output.
    usagestats: true # Enable/disable usage stats reporting to CraftFire devs.
    logging: true # Enable/disable logging to files.
    logformat: yyyy-MM-dd # Filename format of the AuthDB debug and error log files.
    type: mysql # Database type/driver to use. Current options are MySQL and eBean (Bukkit persistence).
    host: localhost # MySQL server hostname, domain, IP, or localhost for local connections. MySQL only.
    port: 3306 # Port used for connecting to your MySQL server. This is usually 3306. MySQL only.
    username: GgGpor1aL # Username used to connect to your database. Only valid for MySQL.
    password: XXXXXX # Password used to connect to your database. MySQL only.
    name: gggportal # Name of the database you are connecting to. MySQL only.
    keepalive: true (tried both) # Enable/disable keeping database connection alive. MySQL only.
    name: Joomla # Name of the script you are using.
    version: 1.5.22 # Version of the script you are using.
    tableprefix: GgG_ # Database table prefix for the script, if you use one.
    # passwordsalt:

    Show Spoiler

    enabled: false # Enable/disable custom database support. Leave this disabled if using a script such as phpBB.
    autocreate: true # Enable/disable automatic creation of the database tables and columns for a custom database.
    table: authdb_users # Table name to use for your custom database.
    userfield: username # Field/column name to use for storing user names.
    passfield: password # Field/column name to use for storing user passwords.
    emailfield: email # Field/column name to use for storing user email addresses. Leave blank to disable email requirement.
    emailrequired: false # Enable/disable registration email requirement.
    encryption: md5 # Encription type to use for password hashing. Options are MD5, SHA1, and SHA512.
    # saltfield: salt # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Field/column name to use for storing the passwordsalt.
    # hashformat: "{PASSWORD}{SALT}{NAME}" # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Format/layout to use for the password hash.
    enabled: true # Enable/disable allowing users to register.
    force: true # Enable/disable forcing users to register.
    delay: 4 seconds # Amount of time before register message is shown to player.
    timeout: 3 minutes # Amount of time a playerh as to register before the configured action is taken.
    # enabled: true # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Enable/disable players being able to login.
    method: prompt # Login method to use. Options are normal and prompt.
    delay: 4 seconds # Amount of time before login messaage is shown to player.
    timeout: 3 minutes # Amount of time a player has to login before the configured action is taken.
    tries: 3 # Number of allowed incorrect password tries.
    action: kick # Action to perform when a maximum number of password tries is reached. Currently only option is kick.
    enabled: false # Enable/disable username linking.
    rename: false # Enable/disable renaming users to linked name on link.
    enabled: false # Enable/disable username unlinking.
    rename: false # Enable/disable renaming users to original name on unlink.
    minimum: 3 # Minumum number of characters a username can be.
    maximum: 16 # Maximum number of characters a username can be.
    minimum: 6 # Minumum number of characters a password can be.
    maximum: 16 # Maximum number of characters a password can be.
    enabled: true # Enable/disable player sessions.
    start: login # When to start the player's session. Options are login and logoff.
    length: 1 hour # Length of the player's session. Can be any number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
    protect: true # Enable/disable protecting player from being logged out from another location.
    commands: false # Enable/disable guest commands.
    chat: false # Enable/disable guest chat.
    building: false # Enable/disable guest building.
    destruction: false # Enable/disable guest destruction.
    movement: false # Enable/disable guest movement.
    interactions: false # Enable/disable guest interactions with objects.
    inventory: true # Enable/disable guest inventory usage.
    drop: false # Enable/disable guest being able to drop items.
    pickup: false # Enable/disable guest being able to pickup items.
    health: false # Enable/disable guest getting hurt.
    pvp: false # Enable/disable guest hurting players.
    mobtargeting: false # Enable/disable mobs targeting guest.
    mobdamage: false # Enable/disable mob damage from guest.
    enabled: true # Enable/disable freezing players on join to prevent movement.
    delay: 2 seconds # Amount of time before players are frozen and unable to move.
    enabled: false # Enable/disable protection message being sent to player.
    delay: 3 seconds # Amount of time before protection message can be sent to player again.
    action: kick # Action to perform when a username matches the filter. Options are kick and rename.
    username: "`~!@#$%^&*()-=+{[]}|\\:;\"<,>.?/ " # Characters and symbols to check for in usernames. We recommend leaving this as is.
    password: "$&\\\"" # Characters and symbols to check for in passwords. We recommend leaving this as is.
    whitelist: Contex,Wulfspider # Usernames to exclude from username and password filtering.

    btw. Is possible to make better inventory protection? Bcz every time when something happen users will lose their inventories but EQUIPED armor stayed! (smthing like save inventory every season to backup or etc. dunno I'm not programmer [yet] :))
  12. Offline


    Is the database actually hosted on localhost or is it somewhere else?

    If you deleted the AuthDB.db without some users being properly logged in, then the inventory loss is bound to happen. You shouldn't have to delete that file normally when doing an upgrade.
  13. Offline


    Yes database, web-site, MCserver is on localhost.

    I didn't deleted anything when upgrading, but at my last error it deleted users inventory .. but only inventory not equiped armor! (strange)
    thank you
  14. Offline


    So shouldn't you be connecting to the IP or domain of the database instead of localhost like you are now?

    We'll look into the inventory issues you are having.
  15. Offline


    I think I don't understand. You asked me if I have DB on same machine as server .. I say Yes, and you suggesting me to change localhost to IP? (for get sure?)

    BTW. new knowledge about inventory.. . only players that were online when Database crashed (disconnected) lost their inventory ... One player just told me that he has every thing he had before crash (but he wans't online at that time) I hope I help
  16. Offline


    From what it sounded like, you were trying to connect to a remote database. That's why I said use the IP. If the database is on the same machine, then leave it as localhost.

    Also, can I see your bukkit.yml from your server root?
    oglop likes this.
  17. Offline


    yea. I hope It's default
    (I didn't find much about adjusting bukkit.yml file :(, almost nothing)
    bukkit.yml -->
    Show Spoiler

    spawn-radius: 16
    permissions-file: permissions.yml
    update-folder: update
    - version
    username: bukkit
    isolation: SERIALIZABLE
    driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
    password: walrus
    url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db
  18. Offline


    That's default. Hmm.
  19. Offline


    What happen if I delete all files and backup config only, then update to newes build then set everything again
    I'll try
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    Yes, we are working on one last issue before release.
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    I think not working {N} is not that big issue :)

    I tested newline... seem doesn't work :D
    I have 2.3.2

    prompt: '{WHITE}Vitejte {TEAL}{PLAYER}{WHITE}! Vlozte prosim sve {BLUE}heslo: {N}{NEWLINE}{GRAY}.Jakekoli problemy hlaste na webu ke clanku!'
        success: '{BRIGHTGREEN}Heslo prijato. Vitejte!'
    okay good night I'm tired!
    thank you :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2019
  24. Offline


    Use {NEWLINE} then. I need to test them all, but forgot. Test the latest release too.

    string = string.replaceAll("\\{MONKEY\\}", System.getProperty("line.separator"));

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  25. Offline


    Could you try {N} with the newest version? I think it should be fixed, but I might be wrong.

    Shouldn't matter, they all have the same function.
    string = string.replaceAll("\\{NEWLINE\\}", System.getProperty("line.separator"));
    string = string.replaceAll("\\{newline\\}", System.getProperty("line.separator"));
    string = string.replaceAll("\\{N\\}", System.getProperty("line.separator"));
    string = string.replaceAll("\\{n\\}", System.getProperty("line.separator"));
    string = string.replaceAll("\\{NL\\}", System.getProperty("line.separator"));
    string = string.replaceAll("\\{nl\\}", System.getProperty("line.separator"));

    Nub spam!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2018
  26. Offline


    I know, I am starting to be really annoying, but still having

     Could not pass event PLAYER_LOGIN to AuthDB
    javax.persistence.PersistenceException: ERROR executing DML bindLog[] error[[SQLITE_CONSTRAINT]  Abort due to constraint violation (PRIMARY KEY must be unique)]
    issue on first login (trying v2.3.2) :-(
  27. Offline


    Can you post your current configs again? I haven't been able to get that error yet.
  28. Offline


  29. Offline



    excusme but im need to do something to update from 2.3.1?
  30. Offline


    I'll test it and we'll work on getting it fixed for 2.3.3.

    Download the jar? There were a few new "processing" messages added to 2.3.2 in messages.yml.

    Thanks. We'll test and see what we can find.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  31. Offline


    You were running Linux right? I think it works on Windows but I dont see why it shouldnt work on Linux. If that doesnt work I will figure out another way to post new line, we just have to test a bit.
    Thank you for reporting!

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