Inactive [ADMN/INFO] MineBans v0.8 - A Fair Global Banning System [1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Jacek, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. Offline


    MineBans - A Fair Global Banning System
    Put simply, MineBans is a global banning system for Minecraft servers. We offer a way for server admins to publish the player bans they make on their servers to our database. The owners of other servers can then use this information to decide if a player that just joined their server should be allowed to stay.

    This page has moved to BukkitDev
  2. Offline


    Tasty. Shall try it. :)
  3. Offline


    Awesome ! I'm looking for all the feedback I can get on this so it would be great if you could let me know of any suggestions.

    Something else I should probably mention is that I have been using the plugin on my server for 2 weeks now which is why the home page shows some bans. I have already found a bug that prevents some bans showing up on this page too the do get added to the database so don't worry ! Example, this guy is banned from my server but not listed on the home page.

    EDIT: Massive derp, the home page shows the most recent 10 bans. The missing one was the 11th. /facepalm
  4. Offline


    Cool!! could you make something like a web database with all banned players, and if a banned player joins an other
    Server, the admins and ppl with a certain permission get a message with the ban reason, Time and maby the server ip?
  5. Offline


    You can get a ban summary when they join already. That includes the rules they have broken and the totals for each severity as well as some other stuff like the number of bans in the last 24 hours. Is the server IP really much use ? Say someone has more than 15 bans, it's just going to scroll off the chat window anyway.
  6. Offline


    ok cool.
  7. Offline


    Jacek [1.1-R7] is the latest rb, changelog please
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Its actually R8, read the Bukkit Rb's subforum. Yes I know its frustrating, but it needs to be done
  10. Offline


    skin change!? well thats one hell way to vertify your mc name!

    edit: wich doesnt work!

    it just sais: invailid skin file

    edit 2: later it worked
  11. Offline


    It was a bit of an experiment ;) The only other way is to run a server which would just be a waste of resources really :s

    Invalid skin file when you uploaded it to or when trying to verify ? Like I said it is still a bit of an experiment really so if you could give some info as to what went wrong there I can look into it :) It's possible that was having some server issues.

    Well that could not be more confusing... I edited my title anyway.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  12. Offline


    I think he meant [1.1-R8/1.2.3-R0.2]
  13. Offline


    Grr, it actually works with any version R4+
  14. Offline


    I've just been browsing through the code of the plugin and can say it looks very promising.
  15. Offline


    well, i do have the most ugly skin in minecraft EVAR now, so it did update it. its just not scanning it right...
    why is it anyways?

    did my other post get post?? cant see it......
    well anyways, could you please make it comtabile with swatchdog, cuz for some reason i cant use sql...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  16. Offline


    Thanks :D

    I did try to write in a good way and also considering that Bukkit will be replaced soon, a way that could easily be updated.

    Haha, yep they are just totally random colours ;) Which error message do you get when you click the verify button ? There are two things that could be happening, one the skin was changed somehow between it being downloaded by my server and uploaded to Or my server could be failing to fetch your skin for some reason. If you could quote the exect error it would put me on the right track for debugging this :)

    I will be adding support for as many logging plugins as I can in the coming weeks. So yes :)
  17. Offline


    Hmm what does being abusive mean?
  18. Offline


    Basically, swearing a lot. That how it is measured anyway.
  19. Offline


    You could hook to CensorIt. I can try to add functions and stuff if needed, to return which word(s) was censored.
  20. Offline


    I'll look into that for sure ! For the simpler things though the plugins tracks the data itself. If you look in there is a crazy list of words ;) It might be easier to use another plugin, but there is also the fact that a lot of plugins wont be around for much longer once Bukkit is gone so depending on loads is one way to give yourself a headache when you have to update.
  21. Offline


    Failed to verify account, please make sure you uploaded the skin correctly.

    jup, i do


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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    Very good news. And single player plugins look like they will be a lot of fun !

    I have found the problem with the skin thing, I basically have to use an entirely new method since it looks like Mojang have started compressing the skins in some way or something. Give me an hour or so :)
  25. Offline


    :O we're all dwarves now?
    jorisk322 and Jacek like this.
  26. Offline


    UPDATE: Minecraft account verification is fixed. I now compare the colour of each pixel instead of the file hash.

    I'm happier using this method anyway, it seems future-proof
  27. Offline


    jup, worked
  28. Offline


    And it looks like your skin was correctly removed from the folder of skins. All is well !

    Out of interest, how awkward to you find the skin changing method (if it worked first time around) ?
  29. Offline


    I find it a good way to check someone's account, but you should give some more info about it.
  30. Offline


    !!!! Now people is all making those Global-Ban things. (MCBans, then MCBouncer, then this...)
    Well lets hope this doesn't get overused like MCBans.

    And gets in love with this.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016

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