[ADMN] iBlock 3.1.1 - Item and Block prevention [1.5.2-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Unscrewed, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    iBlock - Don't let users place/break banned blocks.
    Version: 3.1.1
    CraftBukkit: 1.5.2-R0.1

    Go to the BukkitDev page of this plugin ->

    Parts of the image by SpongeCake!

    This plugin stops people from placing/destroying blacklisted blocks, using water/lava buckets if they do not have the correct permissions. The plugin is easy to configure (you get a bunch of nice options) and you are even able to add/remove block ID's to/from the configuration file using commands in-game.

    • Configuration file (change in-game).
    • Stop the placing of specific blocks.
    • Stop the breaking of specific blocks.
    • Stop the use of buckets (lava|water).
    • Option to kick someone when placing X.
    • Stop TNT, Creepers, etc from destroying banned blocks (can be disabled).
    • Auto-updating (can be disabled).
    • Permission support (ALL).
    • Custom messages.
    • Drag, drop & use!
    Direct Download

    iBlock.place - Users with this node are able to place banned blocks.
    iBlock.break - Users with this node are able to break banned blocks.
    iBlock.bucket.lava - Users with this node are able to use lava buckets.
    iBlock.bucket.water - Users with this node are able to use water buckets.
    iBlock.command.info - Users with this node can use "/iBlock" to see basic information about the configuration and plugin.
    iBlock.command.help - Users with this node can use "/iBlock help" to see commands they are able to use.
    iBlock.command.reload - Users with this node can use: "/iBlock reload" to reload the config.
    iBlock.command.add - Users with this node can use: "/iBlock add (place/break) [id]" to add block ID's to one of the 2 ban lists.
    iBlock.command.remove - Users with this node can use: "/iBlock remove (place/break) [id]" to add block ID's to one of the 2 ban lists.
    Op's have all permissions by default.
    NOTE: Permission nodes are CaSe SeNsItIvE!

    Features to add:
    1. None
    Reported bugs:
    1. None
    Most recent changes:

    Version 3.1.1
    • Made it 1.5.2 compatible.
    • Fixed a minor issue.
    Older versions (open)

    Version 3.1.0
    • Made it 1.4.6/1.4.7 compatible.
    • Added/re-invented a few permissions, please check this page for the list.
    • Added/re-invented "/iBlock reload", "/iBlock help" and "/iBlock" commands.
    • Added command to remove blocks from the list of banned blocks (place|break).
    • Added command to add new blocks to the list of banned blocks (place|break).
    • Added option to allow/disallow explosives to destroy blocks.
    • Added option to change the iBlock prefix in the configuration file.
    • Added disable auto-updating option.
    Version 3.0.0
    • Made it 1.4.2 compatible.
    • Changed configuration file layout.
    • Added entities not able to blow up banned blocks. (TNT, Creepers, etc).
    • Added message customization in the configuration file.
    • Added kick option in the configuration file.
    • Added auto-updating.
    • Fixed configuration file reloading.
    • Posted source on GitHub.
    Version 2.3.1
    • Updated to craftbukkit 1.3.1-R1.0.
    Version 2.3.0
    • Added a new permission to allow/disallow the use of water buckets.
    • Added a new permission to allow/disallow the use of lava buckets.
    • Added auto-config creation.
    • Fixed plugin saying the wrong version number on startup.
    Version 2.2.0
    • Fixed blocks you put in: "bannedBlocksPlace" won't be unbreakable too.
    • Fixed blocks you put in: "bannedBlocksBreak" won't be unplacable too.
    • Changed the permissions, 1 to allow breaking of banned blocks, 1 to allow placing of banned blocks. ( iBlock.place & iBlock.break ).
    • Changed the configuration file, so be sure to replace the old one with the new one!
    Version 2.1.1
    • Fixed permission bug with reloading.
    • Fixed the block break part of the code.
    Version 2.1.0
    • Added the new ability to block the breaking of configured blocks.
    • Added new permission: "iBlock.reload" to reload the configuration.
    Version 2.0.1
    • Updated to craftbukkit 1.2.4-R1.0
    Version 2.0.0
    • Removed the toggle command.
    • Added a configuration file (uses block Id's).
    • Added a command to reload the configuration file: "/iBlock".
    • Fixed the way commands are handled.
    • Fixed the old: "BLOCK_PLACE" to the new, updated way: "BlockPlaceEvent".
    • Fixed the old: "blockListener" import to the new, updated import: "Listener".
    • Updated to the new built-in permission system by Bukkit.
    • Fixed the chat colors.
    • Cleaned up the code.
    Version 1.3.0
    • Fixed a bug where the toggling wasn't working properly. (Thanks Craftee!)
    • Fixed a bug where you couldn't use a hoe on grass.
    Version 1.2.0
    • Fixed a bug where the command wasn't working as intended.
    Version 1.1.0
    • Fixed a bug where the plugin was disabled on server start.
    Version 1.0.0
    • Fixed permission node.
    Version 0.3.0
    • Added permission support.
    • Added a command to toggle iBlock.
    Version 0.2.0
    • Fixed a few bugs and cleaned up the code.
    Version 0.1.0

    Oh, yeah! Almost forgot! If someone is using it/trying it, could you please post a feedback on it? ;-)
    I'm going to work on Permission Support now! :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
    Habbo4Life likes this.
  2. Offline


    Maybe a configuration file for each world and if there is no configuration file for a world then it doesn't have any affect on that world? I would like that :D
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    YES! Thank you :). Now I can ban tnt for people below admin. Can this prevent people from using flint + steel?
  5. Offline


    oh OK thx :) makes more sense
  6. Offline


    Np you all :)
    I am trying to finish a config file today :)
  7. Offline

    Steve Cole

  8. Offline


    Awesome, can't wait :D
  9. Offline


  10. Well done :)
  11. Offline


    Thanks alot :D
  12. Offline

    Erwyn LENS

    it is possible to restrict some items for just a group? Cause I'm looking for a plugin doing that kind of things....

    I want to prevent some people to use some block (like fire, lava, tnt etc...), but not all the groups...
  13. Yes, just a case of when I get around to doing it.
  14. Offline


    What do i type to add a restricted block? is it /iblock lava off?
  15. Offline


    Not yet, the config im making is almost done but school is getting quite much atm for me, soo it's a little delayed.
  16. Offline


    oh ok remember SCHOOL always comes first :D
    (not really :p)
  17. Offline

    Erwyn LENS

    Nooooo!! Minecraft > school :p
  18. Offline


    Hey, who changed my [733] to [740] lol.
  19. It's automatic
  20. Offline


    @Adamki11s Hmm, what if it doesnt work with 740 and it gets changed??
  21. It will, they haven't changed any API calls. If they released a version in which the bukkit API calls changed then these versions wouldn't get updated, but a forum post would be mad by an administrator or something :p
  22. Offline


  23. How's the learning coming along? :p
  24. Offline

    Pansen Cadaver

    what about the config file? I need to create yourself? if so, where.
  25. Hey, is there a chance getting the config soon? :)
  26. Offline


    The config folder doesn't create
  27. Offline


    the config file hasn't been added yet.
    its expected to be on [iBlock] version 1.3 :)
  28. Offline


    I can't get it to work soo I'm following tutorials from start now for Java for 3 days,
    I am starting to know alot about file loading etc, just need to find out the "Bukkit way".
    1.3 will fix alot of bugs.
    Sorry for the great delay but:

    1. School
    2. Learning Java
    3. Busy with another big project

    Ill start trying to make it work right now.
    BTW. Did you find any bugs? If so, which ones? :D

    EDIT: I'm going to make a new plugin for this as I didn't make the code myself 100%.
    If I make it myself, I will understand much more of it. :)
  29. Good luck :D If you need any help then just send me another pm.
  30. Offline


    K :D I learned alot about plugins, mainly because Java is not my first computer-language and because of that I can learn by using your example. I never learn by watching tutorials, I always look at stuff, trying to figure it out myself. But for that, I needed an example, and you gave it to me <3
  31. Offline


    yes i found one bug. when the server is restarted the [iBlock] plugin is at its default "enabled" state. so when i try to place fire it wont let me. but when i type /iblock it says "[iBlock] enabled" ...... its enabled twice basically.... its a small bug but i thought i would let you know :)

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