[ADMIN/CHAT] OpTalk v0.6.0 - A simple admin chat plugin [1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Richardred15, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Offline


    A simple plugin that adds a few features for Ops and Admins. The core feature, for which the plugin got it's name is a private channel for admins to chat in. Also included is a force chat command. This allows admins to use a command to make a player say something, or execute commands.

    BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/admin-chat/

    - /ac <blank|message>
    Enables/Disables admin chat, also acts as a single line toggle
    - /fsay <username> <message|command>
    Will make the player specified send the message or command to the server, so it is executed as if they said it.
    - /fattach <username|blank>
    And expansion of /fsay, this command allows you to "attach" to a player and have everything you type sent through them instead. So if I type /fattach Notch, then Hello!, with no extra command Notch will say hello, if he's online. Toggles off if left blank

    OpTalk.chat - allows full access to /ac commands
    OpTalk.fsay - allows full use of /fsay
    OpTalk.fattach - allows use of fattach
    OpTalk.* - Use of everything

    - Config for options, like chat color
    - Saving of state on reload

    Known Issues:
    - Will attach to offline players, but messages aren't actually sent, as the player is offline.

    - Version 0.1.0: Original Plugin
    - Version 0.1.1: Bug Fixes
    - Version 0.2.0: Added /ac <message>
    - Version 0.2.2: Minor possible bug fixes
    - Version 0.2.3: Made the permission node actually work
    - Version 0.2.4: Fixed bug in /ac <message> where the previous message wasn't cleared, therefore attached to the new message
    - Version 0.3.0: Added "ac <message>" to console
    - Version 0.4.0: Now /ac <message> sends the message to the other state, so if OpChat is enabled for you typing /ac <message> will broadcast the message in regular chat
    - Version 0.5.2: Added /fsay
    - Version 0.5.3: OpTalk now disables when you log out, so it's not automatically on when you log back in
    - Version 0.6.0: Added /fattach
  2. Richardred15

    Needs a changelog at the bottom of the post, and an update to the latest RB [1.1-R4]
  3. Offline


    Both done.
  4. Offline


    Does it work on 1.3?

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