Adding multiple groups to a player with groupmanager

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by oedze, Aug 23, 2013.

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  1. he everybody

    we got a server with al kind of different groups, all the groups have the same permissions, its sort of like factions and towny, but we are using groupmanger to make the towns, we also need moderators of course, but we still want to keep them in the same town/group. the problem is, we cant add two groups to one player(at least we dont how to do it), i thought you just use /manuaddsub but if i add that group it wont give the permissions from the moderator group to the player i want it to give?

    the question is, how do i make it to work, so you can be in two groups, and what does /manuaddsub do?

    if you know the answer, i would appriciate that :)

  2. Offline


    ./manuaddsub adds a group to a player as a subgroup. it applies permissions fine, but not external data (prefix/suffix). should work fine for what you want.
    DracoTempus likes this.
  3. yeah, i added mod to a player, but he says he cant do anything, from what i added, maby he is a noob, i will check it out again

    nop, still doesnt work,
    groups.yml :
    users.yml :

    (the player that should get mod is darkfusionsz, but i needs to keep mirkwood in front of it)

    (the names are dutch, dont mind that)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
  4. Offline


    oedze can you give an example of what he is supposed to do but cant?
  5. lol, i see the mistake, i didnt put it at permissons, but at inheritance :)
  6. Offline


    When I put these groups into my folder, I keep getting an error. I tried YAML and that didnt work because at first it said that it was correct. Please help!

    Also, when i put it into the server, it comes up with /manload, meaning essentials is wrong but why??
  7. Offline


    3happy You had some typos: A couple of words were misspelled, some ' marks were missing, and one space was missing.

    Also, next time it'd be better if you made your own thread for these kinds of things instead of necro-posting a thread from last year. Even if you have a similar problem, don't necro an old thread in the Help forums.
  8. Offline


    Ok, thanks JaguarJo, is does that fix my problem with the crashing of server?
  9. Offline


    It should make it so Group Manager loads properly, yeah. If your server still crashes for some reason, show us your startup log so we can look at the error messages.
  10. Offline


    Ok, thanks again!
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