A simple Democratic plugin idea

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Mafidog, May 13, 2011.

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    The most servers I have played in used a total monarchic system to pass judgement upon players who made bad mistakes.

    What I do ask, is a simple mod which will allow everyone currently in the server to vote if they want that person banned or kicked or not.

    I' m not saying about breaking the rules, which rules could be selected by people too, but for harassing players, stealing from chests, killing, and stuff like that.

    The commands could be:


    /dem [action] [person] Starts a new trial, where action is kick or ban.

    /dem set message [action] [message] This will change the message that every player gets when a player is selected to be banned or kicked.

    /dem set reason [player] [message] This will set a reason for a player to be banned or kicked, which will be displayed to every player when it is set.

    /dem end Ends the current trial.


    /dem show [days] Displays all trials that took place the previous # days.

    /dem v [Y/N] Votes for a player to be forgiven or kicked/banned, where Y is Yes and N is No. This is used only when a player is under a trial.

    /dem show [person] Displays the set reason of that person' s trial, and the results of it. If [person] is false, then it will display the latest trial reason.

    Tell me your opinion!
  2. Offline


    I like the idea, it has promise. There are plugins that allows users to vote for kicking already but a trial would be cool especially a little fun :

    ''Trial started to assertain wether Bob is Gay''

    Bad example but yeah i like this, i shall be watching
  3. Offline


    You might want to put it in the plugin requests section.
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    I don' t request this plugin to be made, it is just an idea. Thanks for your positive feedback anyway.
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    Well why not request it to be made?
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    Posted in Requests!
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    I saw you looked at my thread LOL same idea
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    If I only knew how to code with java, I would make this on my own. :(
    But I don' t and online tutorials don' t help me that much...
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