A plugin to control mob spawn + a few questions.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by dckillerman123, Jul 28, 2014.

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    Hey guys.

    I was just searching for a plugin for my friends private server that would allow us to control the amount of mobs that spawn. We want to have a city full of zombies mainly. I was just wondering firstly if anyone out there knows of such a plugin that will also work for bukkit version 1.7.9. Also if you folks have any links to plugins that will create a zombie invasion like a dayz plugin or the likes that works please post me a link here.

    I was also going to ask you guys about creating the plugin myself. I have knowledge of Loops, If, and other statements in java as well as a brief understanding of polymorphsim. I tried last year to get into coding in general but i gave up after i could not link what i had learnt with the minecraft syntax. I failed to create a basic plugin that stopped zombies burning in sunlight and after 6 months of effort i gave in and just went back to playing the game. I would love to be able to code my own plugins and mods for my friend and myself but i cant find good advice or documentation on how to link java to minecraft.

    If anybody could be a shining star and code a simple plugin to allow control over mob spawns i would be eternally grateful or if you could guide me in the right path so i can do it myself that would be even better again.

    I attempted to use a plugin called Monster Apockalypse but it came up with many errors that i will post on my other thread. If you know whats wrong and how to fix it please help me.

    Link: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/error-report.296854/

    It keeps posting this every few seconds. It does this with many different plugins that are for minecraft 1.7.9. I know that i am using the right version of bukkit with the right version of plugins so please dont ask that. Also i am using bukkit gui.
    Thank you for your help.
    P.S i wish the BackFromTheDead plugin was up to date because its such a shame to lose it.
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