A Plugin idea.. want to know if its doable...

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Kuboken, Feb 22, 2012.

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    So really easy question... If you have your server Downloading a texture pack to use on your server that you made... And you wanted to add Different textured items but still have the original one. And if player did not have the texture pack it would default to the original.

    Sorry im not really good at explaining stuff.. here is an Example.

    So lets say i want 3 different Types of Bows on my server, the Original one and 2 Op enchanted ones But i wanted the Op enchanted ones to look different. Kinda like half steps, there all the same just different looking.

    Now i forget to say that Our Texture pack has its own installer with some mods we think make game play better {you dont have to install them} But i can make it sooo that if you do use it a mod will get installed .. So if i need to Mod there Jar then i can. But i dont want to have to mod the server jar. so players can still play there with out it

    if you don't get what i'm saying ill try to enplane it better..
  2. Offline


    Well first you'd need Spout & the Spoutcraft client. I know there is a plugin (forget the name sorry) that lets users select which texturepack to use (from a list you define/and put in your server folder) that changes ingame. You can also force users to use the texturepack.
  3. Offline


    ya i know what your talking about.. but i did not want to force players to use it.. its more "Hey we got the texture pack that will make game play on our server more enjoyable" if players have the texture pack then they would see 3 different textured bows and if they did not then it would show as a normal bow.

    Now i forget to say that Our Texture pack has its own installer with some mods we think make game play better {you dont have to install them} But i can make it sooo that if you do use it a mod will get installed .. So if i need to Mod there Jar then i can. But i dont want to have to mod the server jar. so players can still play there with out it
  4. Offline


    That's fine, you wouldn't have to force it if you don't want to. But if a player uses SpoutCraft they have the option of activating one of your texturepacks. This is totally possible.

    What isn't possible (or is really freaking hard) is adding mods to the SpoutCraft client. Sorry. One or the other for the texturepack.

    Another solution is to send broadcasts using AutoMessage saying "Try our texturepack! Link: <adfly/bitly link here>
  5. Offline


    Ok but your missing my question...

    Is it possible to make 1 time have different textures? like if i was to make a plugin for it
  6. Offline


    Oh, so you mean they don't choose what texturepack (when they use spoutcraft) but you can change it on the fly from a config option or something like that? Yes you just do what I said but change what texturepack it uses when you see fit.
  7. Offline


    TexturePackMenu is likely the plugin you are thinking of. There are others such as SpoutEssentials or TextureMe as well I believe.
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