a new plugin for my server

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by mattwalsh4488, Dec 30, 2015.

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    hi. im looking for a plugin thats grants staff new commands in the chat. let me do a few examples
    - when you type /help a message automaticly chats into public chat with a message asking if anyone needs help
    -because it would be very boring if all staff had the same message there would be a command that is
    /help set (message) example= /help set does anyone need help? just ask!!! ^-^
    -on the server that i play on, you get welcomed when you join for the first time. so to make it easier for staff there would be a /welcome and would make a message
    -this would be boring if all staff had the same. there for there would be /welcome set (msg)
    there is a maximum capital letter limit in our server 4 per word 6 per sentence the same rules above apply

    some more are /flood and /behave

    i think this would be a great plugin. if it exists could you please tell me the name of it
    thanks is advance matt
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @mattwalsh4488 /help is already used by Minecraft.
    Wouldn't it be easier if /welcome would be replaced by an automated message send by one of the staff members without them needing to do anything?
    /caps wouldn't need a command would it?
    And what would /flood and /behave do?
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    when ever somebody does anything wrong on the server they get told of and given a warn. flood is when some one randomly posts stuping things that flood up your chat box. example arfarjibqrgiwufbqir or lollllllllllll the limit of flood is 7 on our server. /behave would be used when someone says something that is not appropriate, our server is pg.
    another would be /spam when you keep posting something less than a second apart example /tpa john. and spam him with that. another would be /doublepost and /doublepost set (msg)
    this would make staffs life MUCH easier.can you tell me if there is a plugin like this?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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