A long and boring request for help. (selling regions, protecting multiworlds etc)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Sketaful, Oct 12, 2011.

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  1. About my server: I have a small server for me and a couple of friends. I run it on my own computer together with quite alot of plugins including some webstats which are connected to a buddypress site (that also runs on the same computer).
    Atm the server run AuthDB to only let in people that have registered on the buddypress site, the site also shows if the server is up or not, some help about playing including how to make all the things in the world of Minecraft.

    The smaller problems (skip if you find it to much to read :p):

    One of my "problems" is that since I suck at php (or rather know nothing) I have no clue how to make a statspage for each user that shows on their profile-page. If anyone have any knowledge on how to do anything like this, please let me know. I know nothing but I'm damn good at making things work anyway with a small amount of help.

    Another thing is that since Minecrafts updates that will arrive within a month means I need to reset or create a new world to be able to enjoy all the new things I made two worlds. One skyland world with a city that everyone spawns in and and one normal world for everyone to explore. This way I thought I atleast could keep the city-world after the update since that world doesn't need anything new generated and I'd only reset the world they'd explore in.
    I thought I had a great idea making the city on a skyworld since it looks awesome with bridges connecting the floating islands. I didn't however think about the day/night-cycle. Is there any way to have night and days on a skylands map?

    The real (?) problems:

    First: On my citymap I have houses, shops, and all kind of other things. I don't want anyone being able to destroy anything on this map "but" I do have som houses that I'd like to be able to sell. What I mean is that thrue iConomy players can buy land, either land which already has a house on it or empty land to build their own on, but besides the regions they buy they can't build on this world. Is this possible, and how? I only want to have this configured for the cityworld and the normal world should be free-for-all so to speak.
    I'm using multiverse to handle it all btw.
    I also want bought land to show who's the owner if that's possible.

    Well... That's problem number one. The reason for being so much text is that I find it hard to print down what I really thing when using a second language like English. :p

    Secondly: Does anyone know why some plugins only shows swedish letters when saved as ANSI, while some others show them fine as utf-8, and while some other doesn't show the letters correct as UTF-8 but break if saved as ANSI?
    The server is used by me and a couple of friends as mentioned at the beginning, but it's also used by our children which range from 7-11 yo and I translated most of the plugins for them (and the game itself :p) but å ä ö seems to give me some trouble.

    If you actually read all of this I admire you no matter if you can help or not. :)
    Edit: I'm running these plugins atm btw. :)
    Remote Toolkit (since AuthDB looses connection with mysql if the server isn't restarted every 4th hour, don't know why.)
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