3 quick questions

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Jakefett98, Sep 26, 2015.

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    - I have MV inventories... how doI set it where creative and survival alsohave seperate inventories?

    - I am using bPermissions, and I'd like to mirror the perms and groups to other worlds, and I attempted, but failed. How do I set up mirrors?

    - I have a friend who is on my server and he seems to constantly have the potion effect of swiftness. He's tried everything to get rid of it, but can't (removed his armor, Drank milk, /effect clear). Thanks, Jake
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    I dont think that is possible, correct me if wrong.
    To another server or just worlds? If its like essentials you should have a worlds folder then groups etc, add both the groups.yml files to both worlds folders.
    And with this, just do /heal and it will remove all effect.
    Hope this helped.
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    It certainly is possible. That's exactly what I do on my server. 6 survival worlds share an inventory, and 1 creative world has a separate inventory.
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    Thank you so much.
    Separate worlds. I want to do that, but then I'd have to manually add everyone's group to them by hand. Mirroring eliminates all the problems, but I can't figure out how

    Ok, I'll pass the word along!

    Yes, worlds. I mean, If I want to build my spawn, and I switch from survival to creative, I'll keep my stuff.
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