3 Development questions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheWolfBadger, Feb 13, 2016.

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    Well it's been quite a while since I've asked the Bukkit Community a question, so I guess I'll consider that a good thing lol. Anyway I have 3 questions to ask if someone can explain to me. I am currently working with armor stands and I would like to know how I would go about moving one as if it is a player/animal? I'm not sure if you can spawn armor stands in the ground and/or make smaller armor stands with the setSmall() method make the armor stand more closer to the ground? My third and last question I have is, what is a EulerAngle (how do I use it too?)?

    Thanks, Badger.
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    You have to write some sort of AI. You can move the armorstand around by teleporting or setting velocity. An easier way would to have it ride an entity.
    You can spawn armor stands in the ground but I'm not sure if they'll break or not. Small and normal armor stands are the same distance from the ground.
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    Best way to go about it by making it follow another player would be teleporting or setting velocity right?
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    Without changing NavMesh and creating Custom Entity Classes (Modding)
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    They're entities, they can't break.
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    I Al Istannen

    @TheWolfBadger If an armorstand is too deep in the ground it will turn completly black and take every item in possess in the shadow (lightning in minecraft...). So that is something to be aware of.
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    I figured all this out, now the only thing I can't figure out is the fact that the player head is not being shown as it should?... I even have theee right code for the skull
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    I've seen before that you can set an offset in Minecarts for the rideable entities in them (whether they should show higher or lower instead of the normal height when you're in it), I believe you can apply this to any entity.
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    I already figured this part out.
    I'm trying to figure this out:
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