1v1 plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by sonicboy49, Feb 19, 2015.

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    KeyKits1v1 - Plugin

    Commands - /1v1 challenge [Name] [Arena] - Challenges the player to a 1v1 match

    - /1v1 Accept [Name] [Arena] - Player Accepts The 1V1 Challenge and is sent to a 1v1 arena , if there are non available they go in a cue and are in 1st or second pos and so on.

    - /1v1 Arenas - Which shows a list of arena's that they can choose to 1v1 on .

    - /1v1 List - Lists a bunch of commands for op and Member.

    - /1v1 leave - leaves the 1v1 cue
    - /1v1 records - Shows what records you have Like Points , Wins , losses , Kills , Deaths

    - /1v1 create [ArenaName] - Creates a Arena

    - /1v1 enable [ArenaName] - Enables the arena for Members to use

    - /1v1 wand - Gives you a wand to set up arena points from top to bottom

    - /1v1 setregion [ArenaName] [RegionName]

    - /1v1 setinv [ArenaName]

    Permissions . - 1v1.challenge - Member -
    - 1v1.accept - Member -
    - 1v1.arenas - Member -
    - 1v1.list - Member -
    - 1v1.leave - Member -
    - 1v1.records - Member -
    - 1v1.create - OP -
    - 1v1.wand - OP -
    - 1v1.setregion - OP -
    - 1v1.enable - OP -
    - 1v1.setinv - OP -

    Description - So a member or a Staff member whats to join a 1v1 arena , they do /1v1 challenge [Name] [Arena] , and say if all arena's are being used up they get put in a cue and if there
    are already people waiting , then they are like position 2 in the cue for that pecefic map.
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    This seems fun
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    @sonicboy49 This has been requested a lot recently. Please peruse not only Curse and DBO, but also the plugin request forum using the search box.
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