1 item per slot (No stacking) need help..

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sooon_mitch, Feb 20, 2014.

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    I am trying to prevent any items from stacking inside the players inventory. I did try using .setMaxStackSize(1); But nothing happened and it did not work. How do I use .setMazStackSize for it to work? Where do I call it? Also how do I prevent the player from stacking the items once its in the players inventory. Like drag and drop items on top of each other and stacking. Any help would be thankful. This is kinda urgent.
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    Captain Dory

    Did you
    1. Register events
    2. Use an EventHandler
    If so, no idea :3
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    Captain Dory, Yes, Can you give an example code on how to use it?
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    Captain Dory

    Try using .setMaxStackSize(0);
    Java starts counting at 0. Untested, but could work :3
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    Captain Dory Almost every programming language starts counting at 0 ;3
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    But how would I implement this for instance on a PlayerPickupItemEvent. How would I go by add this in? Do I have to do it for each item thats picked up? Or just call the the setMaxStackSize(0) on the players inventory?
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    Captain Dory

    I've never used setMaxStackSize before :p This is what I would do:
    public void onPickup (PlayerPickupItemEvent e) {
    ItemStack i e.getItem();
    for (
    ItemStack gpi e.getPlayer().getInventory() {
      if (
    == gpi) {
    Then add code to set item on ground to air.
    This should send it to a new slot
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    Captain Dory Will this also help make it to where the player does not stack it in his inventory also? So if he moves the items and picks it up and places on the other?
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    Captain Dory

    Oh, it won't do that... Try using an InventoryClickEvent or InventoryInteractEvent, I don't know what it's called.
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    @Captian Dory I tried your method and it did not work at all.. It also has a lot of errors so I tried correcting them but it may of screwed it up.. Idk..


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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