[1.8] Plugin for random filled FFA-Chest's

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by baenii, Dec 1, 2017.

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  1. Plugin category: Random Chest filler
    - Similar: Badlion SG-FFA Chests

    Minecraft version: 1.8.x

    Suggested name: Be creative.[yellowflower]

    What I want: I'd really need a plugin that fill all chests* with random stuff* if there are fewer than three items in it. - E.g: A player is looting a chest*. After this in the chest* are just three or less items. - 60 seconds later the plugin will refill this chest with random stuff* again. The items should be scattered through the chest-gui.

    I really hope you understand what i need.

    I prefer enderchests
    random stuff*: Items, that i can establish in an items.yml with percentage chance.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed for this plugin.

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible,

    NOTICE: I'd be really..really thankful if you can code this plugin for me!
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    Does that also apply to when they first put the chest down? When it's placed? Do the chests fill up after 60 seconds then there too?
  3. No. The chests only will refill 60 seconds after there are three or less items in. E.g. there are five items in the chest and a player loots two of them. Than there are just three items in the chest and there starts the countdown from 60 seconds.

    I'm not searching for a developter at the moment because someone texted me and said he wanna code the plugin for me in the next days.:)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @baenii Could you tell who?
    Because there is no reason to take the conversation away from the thread.
    Matroxko likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iAmAJiu There is no need to take the talk to a conversation, please just use the threads when you accept plugin requests.
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    What's up. Yeah I'm working on this plugin right now; however, it is not a big priority for me atm. @Eccentric_Gamer you can take over the plugin if you'd like but I plan on finishing it regardless as a personal project because I like the idea of this plugin. :)
  7. He didn‘t say that he‘d like to take over the plugin. I prefer that you finish it in the next days. But i hope that i can contact you if i get issues with it to fix that. But apart from rhis im very thankful that you code the plugin!:)
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    IK Even if you do finish it I just kinda wanna make it for fun. I use this website for plugin ideas. I probably won't finish it anytime soon anyway lol. :D

    So is it only when a player uses it or at any point in time?
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
  9. It‘s my inspired concept so i think i can anser your question. But i don‘t really know what you mean lol.
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    Nevermind forget the question :)
  11. Okay.^^ I am german so sorry for that.:rolleyes:
  12. I still need this plugin. :p
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