1.8 Holograms

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MexMaster, Oct 20, 2014.

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    Hey everyone, hope you can help me
    I'm stuck with my code, trying to create holograms that work for 1.8 clients
    here's what i have so far:
    (using pastebin because the bukkit editor is bugging for me right now...)
    but nothing happens, but i get the message "NameTag created" (will be printed out at the end of the command).
    And btw, loc is the location of the player

    Hope anybody could help, and please no ProtocolLib posts, I wan't to learn about pure packets
    Thanks :)

    //edit: I already found this: https://github.com/filoghost/Hologr...filoghost/holograms/patch/HologramsPatch.java
    But i can't translate it to "pure" packets
  2. Offline


    MexMaster you miss about everything a hologram uses. A hologram is a horse with their age set to -17000 (not sure about the number, but it was something like that), mounted on a witherskull at y - 56.8 (you got that part).
  3. Offline


    I thought i could set the display name of the ArmorStand (talking about 1.8) and that would be it, or how was it meant?
    I would be happy if could could tell me again exactly what I need to do for 1.8, because I thought what you did was for 1.7?
    Thanks ;) fireblast709
    BTW: I think it was -170000(0)
  4. Offline


    I could've sworn 1.8 allows you to give any entity a nametag, in which case you could try assigning one to a stationary wither skull (which won't render).
  5. Offline


    Garris0n but how? You know?
    BTW: I need it to work with 1.7 server software (so no 1.8 packets or so)
  6. Offline


    Look at the source and figure it out.
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  8. Offline


    Can't you just use a current hologram plugin/method then?
  9. Offline


    No I'm using Spigot with the protocol hack (1.7 and 1.8 but with 1.7 server software)
  10. Offline


    MexMaster you must then go ask for help on their forums since Bukkit does not support Spigot.
  11. Offline


    I know, but i hoped that here would be more people with knowledge of packets.
    But never mind I found something that I gonna try out later
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