1.5.2 Golden Apples

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by DanTDMkill, Sep 26, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Minecraft version: 1.8

    Suggested name: 1.5.2 Gapples

    What I want: It to when I hit someone and have the OP golden apple effects, it acts like the 1.5.2 OP Golden Apples.

    Ideas for commands: /gappleconfig, /enableoldgapple and /disableoldgapple

    Ideas for permissions: oldgapples.config, oldgapples.enable and oldgapples.disable

    When I'd like it by: In a week or so.
  2. Offline


    What exactly happens when you hit someone with the OP golden apple?
  3. Offline


    in 1.5.2 when u ate a god apple it would make the player hitting you have no hit delay
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