Comments on Profile Post by OverSizedRabbit

  1. Jeyge
    That would be something that worked for a little while but was broken again with 3.1.5b. For now, I would use "/pr <user> w:<world> parents add Newbie" to force them into the default group then use promote.
    Jun 17, 2011
  2. OverSizedRabbit
    sorry to sound like a noob but i just recently switched from crappy groupmanager back to permissions and i dont know what parents means?
    Jun 17, 2011
  3. Jeyge
    It is just the reverse of inheritance. You are setting the parent of a user or in simple terms, the group of the user.
    Jun 17, 2011
  4. OverSizedRabbit
    oh then ima ask this. When i go into my user.yml and i go down to the new user i see this on groups: it shows groups: []
    but i dont think it should do that since they are in default group which is Newbie?
    Jun 17, 2011
  5. Jeyge
    They will have the default permissions when they aren't in a group but they aren't in the default group until you put them there. Just a guess here but the dev probably did it that way to allow admins to put new users in whatever group they want them in without having to remove the default group first.
    Jun 17, 2011
  6. OverSizedRabbit
    do you think it will be changed in future?
    Jun 17, 2011
  7. Jeyge
    I hope users will never be put in a group automatically but at some point the promote/demote thing will be fixed again. I believe the changes are actually in GitHub right now and just need to be pushed to a new build.
    Jun 17, 2011
  8. OverSizedRabbit
    one more question :D
    what is command if i want user to be in the Drone Group since i cant promote it would be /pr Positiveok w:world1 (parent?) add Drone
    Jun 17, 2011
  9. Jeyge
    Yep (remove the parens around parent at least) and that is exactly why it is this way. If you were automatically added to Newbie, you would also need to type "/pr Positiveok w:world1 parent remove Newbie" just to put them where they need to be.
    Jun 17, 2011
  10. OverSizedRabbit
    i dont get it its not working i type
    /pr PositiveOK w:world1 parent add Newbie
    but it just give me permissions synax
    Jun 17, 2011
  11. Jeyge
    Sorry, I should have looked closer. The command is parents and not parent.
    Jun 17, 2011