control mobs plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by bluehasia, Jan 8, 2012.

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    Nathan C

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    I'm pretty sure any of the plugins that claim they reduce lag reduce the amount of mob spawns.
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    ah thanks for the tip reading them up now and some do say they control mob spawns. any recommendation never used a lag control plugin before. and by lag does this mean it tries to lower ram usage?
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    Yes, it tries to lower ram usage by not having too many mobs spawn. And such. I have no suggestions, I never truly used one.
  6. NoLagg is just great. You can limit mob spawning and as a bonus you get faster chunk loading and many more improvements. :)
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    update, nolagg works on control mob more bloody 13 pigmen in my nether castle 24/7 XD
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    I had a problem with nolagg duplicating/stacking items. Do you know if that's fixed?
  9. @Mr_Pleco: I don't know the problem, nor am I the author of NoLagg, so no. But if you reported the bug to the author chances are very high.
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    in my mob plugin nt workin at all?
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    that is deliberate, and can be turned off in the config.
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