Permissions always return true

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Schwarzer Zylinder, Jan 8, 2012.

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  1. Hey,
    since months my plugin has alwys problems with permissions. I use this simple method to check if a player has a permissions:
    //Checks permission
                if(plugin.getPermission().has(sender, "dynshop." + permission.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) || sender.hasPermission("dynshop." + permission.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))){
                    return true;
                    if(sendMessage) player.sendMessage(plugin.getName() + "You don't have the permission to do this.");
                    return false;
    plugin.getPermissions() returns the permissions api from Vault.
    Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Now it always return true. If I enable PEX debug mode I can see, that PEX not even reveives a request to check the permissions. A few hours ago it worked -.-Tested it with PermissionsEX and bPermissions, always the same...
  2. Offline


    you're op
    srspore and xGhOsTkiLLeRx like this.
  3. Sometimes it is the easy things -.-
    srspore likes this.
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