Paying for server coder

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Cyanian, Nov 23, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I'm looking for someone who can code my server. I'll pay 10 dollars for the initial coding and maintenance for a month. Add me on skype (iownu424) or message me for more details.
  2. Offline



    Sign me up. ^^
  3. Can we get just a bit more info? What kind os server is it? RPG, Survival, Creative ?
    DrAgonmoray and Orcem12 like this.
  4. Offline


    10$ for 1 month of coding and maintenance. Big spender.
    ZNickq, PatrickFreed and RazorFlint like this.
  5. Offline


    Well it'll be a prison RP, and there'll be a couple ranks and you purchase your way up the ranks. There'd need to be a currency system, sign purchasing, invisible walls stopping people from going into higher tier areas. And other stuff.
  6. Offline


    That is a pretty large idea you have their. It would take quite a lot of coding and work to get it running and eliminate all the bugs....

    You can easily accomplish this with a combination of a few plugins that already exist. It would take work to make it how you like it, but its easily possible with whats out there today.
  7. Offline


    No I know. I intended on people using plugins. I'm just horrible with the YAML coding and what not. I planned on whoever did it to use iConomy, Essentials, Permissions, and other things.
  8. Offline


    YAML isnt coding at all.

    YAML is very easy to learn, and will pay off in the future. I suggest you spend the 10 minutes it takes to learn it, then save yourself 10$ and do it yourself...
    h31ix likes this.
  9. Offline


    Like Shaun said, YML files are not code, their just another way of creating configuration for a plugin. You could just as easily accomplish the same tasks with a .txt file. Its only the indentations or the layout of the file that may make you assume its way too hard for you can do. If you can double click your script to run your server, and you have a text editor installed on your computer, you can easily edit YML config files to your liking. Take a look at some example configs on plugin's pages and you will be able to pick it up, otherwise there is no reason to run a server if you cant do something like that yourself. Dont pay some scrub who will exploit you for money do that.
  10. Offline


    Yea, you're probably right. but I spent an hour watching tutorials on permissions, essentials, and other things and It just confused me. I couldn't get it right. I'd just rather have someone else do it for me. I have early Christmas money lol, and I really want this server set up.
  11. Offline


    IMO if you dont understand that there is not a single reason you should be an admin of a server. Just sayin, but you should reconsider trying to admin a server if you rely on paying someone to set it up for you.
  12. Offline


    Must one understand how to set up permissions and essentials to be able to moderate a server?
  13. Offline


    In my opinion, yes.
    If you dont understand that, there is no way you will be able to run an efficient server or any kind of server that is able to stay up to date and actually do what you want.
  14. Offline


    Well the YouTube tutorials are really hard for me to understand and I can't find a good thorough written tutorial for Essentials and Permissions.
  15. Offline


    There is a plethora of documentation available concerning bukkit, and all of the major plugins (the ones highlighted above all fall into the 'major plugins' category, imo.)

    There's more written information than there are videos on youtube, for sure.

    Try doing this yourself. Post for support if you need it, but honestly most things tend to just work themselves out. Use real-world examples to set up permissions etc. You can find these on google.
  16. Offline


    I doubt you'll get anyone competant for $10 for a month of work...
  17. Offline


    Well it's the initial coding, and then if something goes wrong just some basic help. I figured you guys would be glad to just take my money lol. :c
  18. Offline


    Your offering might be off by a factor of 100...
  19. Offline


    and on top it off the good ones are busy with their own servers. you probably get the many kids spamming these boards making threads ill mod/admin/ you server
  20. Offline


    10 dollars to set permissions up? count me in,lol!
  21. Offline


    As am I. I'll set some plugins up for you as long as you pay me mah $10. Simple job and a few bucks on the other hand. But, I do agree with the other posts, you should spend the time to learn YAML and save a few bucks.
  22. Offline


    Yes. What if something goes wrong? What if you need to change something? What if you encounter problems?
    Paying someone $10 to maintain your server, monthly, is quite ridiculous and I doubt you'll find someone who is competent and willing to "work" for that "pay." Without that, you'll be screwed if something goes wrong. The whole point of being a server owner/ admin is that you can fix the problems when they go wrong. If you can't understand how your sever and plugins work, let alone configure them, then there's no way you'll be able to run a public server for any extended period of time.

    The fact that a 12 year old, albeit a focused one, could figure out how to setup permissions proves it's not a daunting task; it requires a bit of patience, dedication, and a hint of maturity. If you can't muster up those bare prerequisites to setup a server, then there's no way in hell you should run one.

    Sorry, but it's true. Running a server requires knowledge, time, and patience, like I've said, and setting up a simple YAML file should not be a problem.

    If you encounter problems setting up permissions, just ask.
    That's fine and dandy. But asking people to run your server for you, for $10, is quite ridiculous.
    The bukkit community is always more than happy to help people learn permissions and new things, just make it evident you're dedicated and willing to accept advice/help from others.

    Hell, I'll even help explain permissions to you if you need it. But you, as the server owner, should be knowledgeable and responsible for running your own server.
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