Anti PvP Hack

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Hydrosis, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Can someone make a plugin that will prevent/catch people using pvp hacks (mainly the "forcefield" hack). The current one is outdated and not working properly (mxAntiPVPCheat I think is what it's called). Can someone make it so that it will run a command after it detects someone cheating x amount of times (kinda like how mcAntiPVPCheat does). There are so many people who are hacking on the server, that it's messing up the economy.

    Please and thank you. :D
  2. Offline


    MC Bans?
    Just ban them.
  3. Offline


    But there is no way to actually detect whether they are cheating or not. mxAntiPVPCheat is supposed to calculate the amount of hits and damage the person does in a specific amount of time. If they surpass it, then they will be flagged. After x amount of flags, it has the option to run a command (such as a ban command).
  4. Offline


    NoCheat can do this afaik.
    Darq likes this.
  5. Offline


    • prevent attacking of enemies that aren't in the line of sight of the player
    • prevent players from hitting themself
    • prevent attacking without first swinging your arm
    It doesn't protect against people who use force field (Your arm swings while using force field, but it attacks you like 6 times a second).
  6. Offline


    Hmm, how about this. Is it possible to make a plugin to do that? I've never tried mxantipvpcheat so I don't know whether it worked or not.

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