Where are those 1.9 threads!?!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Lolmewn, Sep 22, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Jeb just gave us a link for 1.9, but no-one has posted anything about it!
    :O That's a shame, i need something to do :p
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  2. Offline


    Where is it?
  3. Offline


    just as 1.8 RB comes out, Jeb released 1.9, brilliant... :D
  4. Offline


    Forget it, got it.
  5. Offline


    ikr =D
    It's so awesome xD Really good timing aswell.
  6. Offline


    Wait really? Why would they release 1.9 less then a week after the stable 1.8 came out? 1.7 --> 1.8 took forever.
  7. Offline


    Cuz Notch likes to make server owners crazy.
  8. Offline


    Omg you werent trolling i just checked twitter... God dammit Notch & Jeb.
  9. Offline


    I know Right =D
  10. Offline


  11. Remember that although the team is working on the prerelease, it is just a pre-release meaning the Mojang team can and will change/fix things that will require more bukkit transitioning. This is just so they can get a jumpstart when 1.9 gets released, but do not expect there to be an RB the second the offical 1.9 drops. There are still several bugs in the current RB that are also being addressed as well.

  12. Offline


    This is an OUTRAGE.
  13. Offline


    nah, we make notch crazy with all the pointless tweets we send him, so in return he does this to us =D
  14. Offline


    Well hopefully 1.9 gets released soon as I can get my server out. I was going to open it this weekend for 1.8 but now 1.9 pre-release is out. Why bother
  15. Offline


    You would be running 2 builds behind, lawl :p
  16. Offline


    Well blame notch for updating to quickly. It annoys me xD
  17. Offline


    well at least we get to see frosty the snowman, testiculates and cows that seem to be high on mushroom. Also a interestingly similar background of the corrupted world in terraria but in notch's image of shrooms taking over the world =P.

    anyways at least its still in preview, might have some time before the hordes of people saying where is 1.9 bukkit come in =P. (not asking just saying lol)
  18. Offline


    1.8 and 1.9 were supposed to be the same update
  19. Offline


    Yup, they were. But now it seems we won't get it until 11-11-11.
  20. Offline


    Correction: 17th, maybe 18th?
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