[ADMN] RAM v1.0 - Find out your RAM usage [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Stushla, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Offline


    RAM - tells you how much RAM your server is using
    Version 1.0

    *I am currently experimenting with different info I can show about the server. The plugin will become more ServerStat orientated showing your IP, whether players are OP, op players, op list, ban list, whether a player is banned etc.*

    This incredibly simple plugin's only purpose is to give you information on how much memory your server is using. When you use the command /ram you will see the following:
    • Memory Usage: <total memory + free memory>/<maximum memory>
    • Total Memory: <total memory>
    • Free Memory: <free memory>
    The results may be slightly in-accurate but will be more or less correct.

    Download 1.0
    Source included with .jar

    • Tells you the total JVM memory for the server (free memory + total memory)
    • Tells you the free and total memory seperately
    • /ram - shows you information of how much memory the server is using - node: ram.check - defaults to OP if no permissions
    Version 1.0
    • Plugin release
    • See above in red
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    nice, but just an FYI to McMyAdmin server owners there is a better version built-in /serverstats
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  5. Offline


    Cool, going to use this!
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    We have multiple of these plugins already. good job though
  9. Offline


    Could you show me these multiples? The only others I know of is the one in essentials but I wanted a stand-alone version, and the mm-monitor which works on a timer rather than on-command. If there really are multiples of this plugin then I'm fine with letting it remain in submissions but I did a quick search and really coudn't find any other plugins that did this.
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    don't worry. if one goes inactive, we've still got this. how about adding more features?
  13. Offline


    I'm thinking of adding information on everything in the server, number of worlds, players, chunks in use, disk usag of worlds etc.
  14. Offline


    Would it be possible to see how much ram is being used thru a plugin?
  15. Offline


    I don't know, I'll have to investigate. I've seen people ask for this so if I find a way I will definitely put it in.
  16. Offline


    Can you make it work through console please?
  17. Offline


    i wish one of those plugins would support ram per plugin usage or i/o per plugin, cpu per plugin etc. <3
    that would help debugging just so much
  18. Offline


    It may be beyond the scope of your plugin but how about displaying the above information you suggested as well as the CraftBukkit build you are running and what plugins you have with their version numbers. Seeing as most if not all keep their version numbers in the plugin.yml that aspect shouldn't be hard to grab.

    Just a thought. :)
  19. Offline


    Hey. great plugin, but it seems to be showing something not quite right?
    my server is allowed to use up to 7gb and shows
    Memory Usage: 2690/7087
    Total Memory: 1894
    Free Memory: 796
    those last 2 seem to haev it wrong?
  20. Offline


    Just because you enter 7GB as the desired ram, JAVA wont utilize this until it needs too, it will slowly increase/decrease its memory footprint, when neccesary
  21. Offline


    While in game, you tap F3 and can see RAM usage top right of the screen. The function is already present :confused:
  22. Offline


    This is for the server, silly :p
    Also, great plugin!
  23. Offline


    1894+796 is pretty much 2690. The JVM is allowed up to 7000MB, is actually using 1894MB and has reserved 796MB for itself. Seems right to me.

    I'll look around into getting data from other plugins. It should be something you can do as there are many plugins that rely on other plugins. iConomyChestShops relying on iConomy for example.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  24. Offline


    ah ok that makes more sense, thanks
  25. Offline


    I see absolutely no reason why this shoudn't work on 1060 because it barely even uses the bukkit API so it's now [1060] If anyone does have problems on the new build please let me know. Thanks
  26. Offline


    I was searching for this type of plugin, just simple RAM usage. MCMA messes up with it (saying I have 100 mb left, your plugin says 300! :)). I would like to see a plugin per RAM usage feature.
  27. Offline


    MCMA gets the RAM usage according to the operating system, and as such is more accurate than any plugin can be that doesn't do the same thing.
  28. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    Not sure how possible this is (if it is, I sure don't know how), but if that is accomplishable, that would be amazing.

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