Protect glass walls

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by BeMacizedGaming, Oct 23, 2011.

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    Hello all!

    I am searching for a plugin (i'm sure there is one, just can't find it), that protects every block in a cuboid but still allows other people to build in that area.
    I have a server map that is devided into cells of 100x100 with glass walls. I need to protect these glass walls, but still allow people to build in them after the protection, remove blocks inside their cells, but not damage the glass walls. Is there anyway i can protect everything in the cell before my users start playing?

    Thank you

    P.s. sorry if i posted in the wrong forum. I couldn't find any forum that really covered my question
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  3. Offline


    Above post it correct. WorldGuard is worth its weight in e-gold.

    WG depends on WorldEdit to run.
  4. Offline

    Matt Gill

    I don't understand how people haven't heard of WE+WG. It is a must have plugin.
  5. Offline


    I went to high school with a guy named Matt Gill. o.o
  6. Offline

    Matt Gill

    I'm 17 I doubt it was me lol.
  7. Offline


    Yes i was already aware of that solution. 1 problem.... i will need to protect every wall + the ceiling of every cell seperately. thats 4 walls and a ceiling. i have over 100 cells.... :/
  8. Offline


    Coincidence. :)

    Being a little too complex? WorldGuard can only do so much, but try making a sub-region in the cell that allows players to modify it, and leave the walls protected by the parent region.
  9. Offline


    ok but i will need to make that for every cell right? every one of them?
  10. Offline


    If you want to modify an area, you have to tell WorldGuard. It can't read your mind. This is why you should invest in some anti-griefing/rollback plugins too.
  11. Offline


    hmm how do you mean? Can you explain me how i can make this for 100+ cells?
  12. Offline


    You have to make 100+ regions.
  13. Offline


    are you kidding me? O.O. There really isn't any different way to this as i described in the first post? :confused:
  14. Offline


    Not really. When it comes to protecting a lot of area, and adding specific rights, the regions get complex/numerous. You could try a plugin that prevents the breaking of certain blocks, but then your players can't break them if placed in their cells.

    What exactly are you doing with 100x100 cells in glass anyway?
  15. Offline


    were assigning each player their own cell they can build in. They just mustn't be able to break the glass walls while still being able to build and destroy in their own cells
  16. Offline


    Why not use bedrock, about 10 blocks high?

    Also, I think you can allow players a number of regions, and size of the regions, that they can make themselves.

    Those would save some time.
  17. Offline


    i do that because some people have creative mode and can break through bedrock. Everybody can fly too... i could make a big bedrock cage but i want light in from above
  18. Offline


    I guess get started on WorldGuard regions then? :oops:
  19. Offline


    yup i think so :/ maybe i can get BigBrother to work to restore the glass walls every 5 min or somthin
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