Fresh Setup for 1.8

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Zokudu, Sep 12, 2011.

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    With the impending release of 1.8 I am planning on redoing my entire server and plugin setup since we are resetting our world. I'm trying to figure out what plugins I want to use. We are primarily a Vanilla Survival server.

    I'm looking at:
    Permissions: PermissionsEX, It seems easy to use and setup properly. The commands confuse me a bit.
    Admin: AdminCmd I like the look of this plugin compared to Commandbook. What are you thoughts between the two.
    Logging: Hawkeye, The web interface seems very useful.
    I was planning on using ChatManager and ModifyWorld that come with PermissionsEX. These seem sufficent for most things.
    I will obviously install Spout and am looking to add buycraft for micropayments to support my server.

    What are your thoughts on my baseline plugins? Would you suggest an alternative for any of them and why? What other plugins might you recommend for my first big overhaul of my server?
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    Tristan Addie

    G'day Zokudu,

    I switched to PermissionsBukkit for the permissions, not sure if it has a console interface but is rather easy to setup via the config.yml, with Plugman you can reload your plugins without a server restart too makes it easy to test changes without bringing the server down and up.

    Dynmap and Spout is a must, a few people have suggested Essentials to me which im still contemplating when 1.8 officially gets release *yay*, *drooled* over the endermen till they looked at me :O
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    Hi there, my suggestions to you are:

    - SpoutBackpack

    Those are my bare minimum I use for my server. I usually include some type of plugin that lets me disable TNT and Creeper terrain damage. Essentials is great because it does everything that CommandBook does, and it likely does everything that AdminCmd does as well. I like IConomy because it has everything I would ever need in a Economy plugin, you could always try to find another plugin that hooks into IConomy if something is missing that you need. Spout and SpoutBackpack are amazing. SpoutBackpack gives you the option to give your players a backpack that ranges from size 9 to size 54. I personally like PermissionsEx because its simple and it is very much like the Permissions 3.x which was what I considered to be the best, plus, it incorporates features that are simply amazing. It is also very simple to edit groups and players in the game through the PEX commands.

    I do not recommend DynMap unless your server has a minimum of 2 Gigabytes of RAM. Its a bit of a resource hog.

    There are a lot of plugins out there that are very useful though. Just depends on what you would like to do. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about particular plugins or need a recommendation. I'm always trying out new plugins as I try to improve my friends server.
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