How do you install Flan's Plane mod in Bukkit???

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by whileloop, Jul 10, 2011.

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    I know how to install them on a non-bukkit conventional server but Bukkit is new for me help. I followed Flan's instructions and put planes.txt on the server directory and put the class files and modloader mp class files to craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT file. and when I press the bukkit starter it says something like maybe a corruptud jar file??? something like that. I also deleted meta-inf on the snapshot file
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    You need itemcraft.
  3. Offline


    is there any vid that shows u how ?
  4. Offline


    I dont have a video, but just install the special ModLoaderMP on your server (u can find it at Planes thread) and then follow the server instructions on the thread.

    I am shitting around with it now but i'll post the server files when i am finished.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
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