Interesting or fun plugins?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by ichingpow, Jul 14, 2011.

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    Hi guys,

    I want to increase the amount of things that players can do on my server and increase the amount of time they play. I already have an economy set up, multiworlds, plan on adding craftbook, plan on adding PvE (and possibly PvP) iConomy rewards, and plan on adding jobs as well.

    So do you guys know any other interesting, fun, exciting, entertaining, high retention, or sexy plugins?
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    Lunar Delta

  3. Offline


    Thanks, Craftbook has sign elevators and elevators can be made from pistons, but I'll have a look at that. :)
  4. Offline

    Lunar Delta

    This one is so much more advanced. Not only can you have normal elevators, but you can have elevators with fully automatic glass doors, which themselves can be used for a variety of interesting effects. One of my users made an obstacle course, utilizing hidden elevators to make appearing and disappearing glass doors, and another made a gigantic glass castle that appears at the press of a button!

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    That's amazing, @Lunar Delta!

    Anyone else know fun plugins? Please? :3
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    McMMO. Adds skills and abilities that you can train...
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    here is a tip, don't use CraftBook, use FalseBook it has more stuff in it and works more or less they same.
  8. Offline


    Thanks I'll check out mcMMO, I'll try FalseBook and Craftbook and see which I prefer.
  9. Offline


    Magic spells is a fun one but gets annoying pretty quick :p
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    Tag, I don't the link, but if everyone is bored, try it.
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    I use as fun plugins FalseBook, mcMMo, MobArena (fight in a arena against mobs), MonsterHunt (hunt mobs at night), PetCreeper (you can tame every Mob), MoveCraft (you can move things which you build like ships) and Citizens. Now I test some quest plugins (like uQuest but it is outdated; I think EpicQuest would be better but it is just in development.
    I also want to test the plugin War.
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    shameless self advertisement: rocket
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