Chest and sign glitches. Tweet @notch !

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Jasp3r, Jul 17, 2011.

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    I haven't played MineCraft for ~20 days now. I've been on a holiday for the first 9 days, and after that I've been waiting for Bukkit 1.7.3. But, a huge glitch that will also ruin your singleplayer experience is the chest and signs losing content glitch.

    Jeb and Notch probably don't even know about this. So I spammed this tweet:

    @Notch 1.7.3 is unplayable because chests and signs lose their content. I'll keep spamming this until I get retweeted/replied.

    @jeb_ 1.7.3 is unplayable because chests and signs lose their content. I'll keep spamming this until I get retweeted/replied.

    They can't miss this if we all spam it to them! Finally a fix !
  2. Offline


    Lol. That's adorable.
  3. Offline


    @Jasp3r So instead of informing them once you were a dick about it, and are advocating other users do the same? That's a terrible way to get something fixed. I would most definitely ignore you, that's for sure.
  4. Offline


    I didn't have such glitches, when do they appear?
  5. Offline


    While OP's way of getting Mojang's attention is bad (and they are aware of the bug), I can agree that the bug is very game-breaking and I am suprised it isn't receiving a higher priority. Tens of users on my server have lost their entire chest storage and reimbursing them is tedious and impractical.
  6. Offline


    This seems a little bit rude... I bet Notch has already fixed this for 1.8.
  7. Offline


    ^^^ LOL 1.8 is a ways off................

    I run a server with an active population under Bukkit 1000 and other than a few signs erasing I don't get any complaints about items disappearing out of chests.
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    One guy on my sever told me about this problem, but i didn't believe it.
    Maybe it's the same thing.
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