Essentials Plugins for your server?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Clax, Jul 15, 2011.

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    I was looking for some essential/useful plugins for my server and I was wonding what plugins you guys use?

    I need some suggestions for useful, essential, helpful, fun, and popular plugins that everyone uses in their servers.

    And no pun intended. Essentials 2.0 is instantly in my "essential list"
  2. Offline


    Definitely don't use Essentials, that's for sure. :)
  3. Offline


    lol, but seriously, i would like to know....anyone?
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    Never caused any problems for me.
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    Naw, I am use he was being sarcastec...but seriously! How come no one is answering the question!?!??!

    bumped for an answer plz

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  6. Offline


    I run a server that's heavily focused on survival and as much free reign as wanted (except for griefing)

    This is my plugin list as recorded from my tracking list:


    Essentials 2.4
    Permissions 3.1.6
    WorldGuard 5.2 - protect spawn
    WorldEdit 4.6 - making spawn on admin account
    xAuth 2.0b3
    BigBrother 1.9.1 - check for griefers
    LogOres 0.6 - check for hackers


    Hungry 0.2.1 - extra mechanic
    Tossers 1.2 - interesting and scary :O
    Towny 0.72 + Questioner 0.4 - free reign town system


    Timefold 0.4.2 - for creative world
    Multiverse 1.7.2 - for creative world/skylands
    Inception 1.02delta - for skylands integration
    BorderGuard 4.00 - prevents world from growing too large
    MultiInv 2.3.0 - for creative world


    iConomy 5.0.1 - economy
    DeathPenalty 1.03 - survival aspect
    iConomyChestShop 2.75 - trade aspect


    Pegasus 0.1
    RocketBoots 0.3.6 - for admins
    bLift 1.1.1
    SignColours 0.5
    CreativeGates 1.1.1 - simpler than Multiverse portals
    bShortcut 1.1
    PorteCoulissante 1.2.1
    TriggerCMDs 1.2
    Clax likes this.
  7. Offline


    Thank you for all of the awesome plugins. I am definately ognna try out most of these...

    I looked up pegasus and didnt get any results

    More suggestions please to everyone!!!
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    llaraet likes this.
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    bump. Heroes seems nice....but only problem is that it isnt even released
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