a no-ip connection thing

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Daniel Bang, Feb 6, 2011.

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  1. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    ive seen some servers where u just connect to a no-ip (example.no-ip.org) how do u do that? so people dont have to connect to IPs and instead just connect to the no-ip which is alot easier for ppl to remember? :p
  2. Offline


    go to www.no-ip.com sign up.. follow instructions

    if you don't like no-ip, google for dynamic dns providers, which is what you want
    --- merged: Feb 6, 2011 2:31 PM ---
    some of them work with your router so you don't have to go update your ip every so often. mine doesn't
  3. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    well thanks for the useless answer, if i really knew about theese "instructions" do u really think i would go in here and ask for help?
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    Well, many many people do, so that's why he's edgy...
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    Daniel Bang

    i cant find the instructions for it anyways
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    I Looked on the page and you can just click on the free noip and then register on an email and select domain, what problems do you have?
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    um.. what? edgy? I gave him the link to the site, and told him the general term so he could find alternatives. My router doesn't support no-ip for auto update.
  8. Offline


    Haha. You're edgy, I can confirm that. Don't take people as complete idiot's even if their asking for help on a forum.

    I dun' like no-ip ... dyndns.com is an alernative. Free automatic updates of IP's etc. etc. And it's rather simple to set up as fast as you have a user. But hey!, give me the IP you have and the url you want ("something".dyndns.org) and I'll set one up for you. :) If you want automatic update of IP you need to do that yourself thought.

    If you still want to use no-ip , specify what you can't do :D
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    i'm very happy with my dynamic dns provider.. i simply meant that some routers (mine included) do not have no-ip.com as one of the DDNS options that they can automatically update.

    apparently my initial reply has been interpreted wrong. when i said 'if you don't like no-ip, look for ...' i simply meant that if for some reason he went to no-ip, decided he didn't like it (no idea why), that the general term for what he was looking for was dynamic dns..

    anyhow wasn't trying to be rude or short or whatever.. was just trying to provide the requested help in a simple manner.

    /me goes back to playing minecraft
  10. Offline


    heh, that's what I like about DynDNS. They got a software that you can download to your computer, that updates the IP easily.
    Automatic router updates are usually buggy and bad.

    I think he got the information he needed, and we're having a discussion that's not needed :p ... So i'll return to minecraft or sleep as well >w>
  11. Offline


    I use no-ip and I have had no problem. I signed up, used the port 80 forward, so when someone types in the url, they are forward to what port I specified.
    I right now no longer use the feature because I run more than just the server on the url.

    Just sign up, make sure you are signed in and click "your no-ip" at the top right, Select Add Host, type in what domain name you'd want with what tag (some tags are usable to free users), select port 80 redirect, make sure you have the right IP set in and the specified Port, scroll down and click Create Host.

    That's as simple as it can be. There is a small program you can download and use to keep the IP up-to-date on their database if it were to change on your end without notice.
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