bukkit on mcadmin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by woodz, Feb 2, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    i don't know if it has been asked before, but how do i get bukkit to work in mcadmin
    i'm using mcadmin because of the easy-to-use gui and it has a build-in permissions system
    now, i'd like to get craftbukkit to work on mcadmin, but i don't know how.
    i'm running on a win7 x64 pc (if it mathers)
  2. Offline


    Honestly, that's a question best left answered by the McMyAdmin team. They are the ones who would be able to help you best.
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    Oh, sorry, how about this:
    Honestly, that's a question best left answered by the mcadmin team. They are the ones who would be able to help you best.
  5. Offline


    that's another thing, they don't have a support site or forum
  6. Offline


    --- merged: Feb 3, 2011 12:23 AM ---
    +5 for not setting him on fire :)
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    wait.. so there is an mcadmin AND an mcmyadmin??
    who names these things??

    i assumed it was a typo on your part and he was being overly picky (or just very literal/translation issue).
  9. Offline


    I think there are two of them... I don't know. I never bother with them. I know CLI scares people, but is it really so tough to open up a command prompt and type: java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar <path to craftbukkit.jar> nogui ?

    Although, I guess to be fair, I did go through the same phase. I looked for a easy - one stop shop - setup to run my server (back in hMod 132 days). Now I could literally set this up on any OS I could think of. Shit, I may just try running it on our 15 year old OpenVMS servers at work when I can finally decommission them. (I would need to do some serious updating though, and find out if I can install the latest Java.) I'll probably just drink instead. No one needs a How-To guide on setting it up on OpenVMS.
  10. Offline


    i type ./b<tab> :) (bukkitserver.sh)

    also.. drink first.. then write the guide :)
  11. Offline


    I hit the up arrow. In that terminal its the only command I run.
    I'm drinking now!

    And I was going to offer a FreeBSD minimal install CraftBukkit server guide, but I doubt I'd get many people using it.
  12. Offline


    Yes, there is McMyAdmin which is a server wrapper and McAdmin which is a client server etc like CraftBukkit but with fancy GUI for windows.

    Short answer - No McAdmin does not work with Bukkit as they are two separate servers. Maybe CraftBukkit will have fancy GUI in the future.
  13. Offline


    thanks for not killing me
  14. Offline


    aww.. come one.. we would have put you out..

    good times: duke nukem 3d. multiplayer.. 1 person w/ flamethrower, 1 person with ice gun, 1 person in the middle.. he took a LONG time to die :)
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    So you use a Wiki to maintain a server lolwut?
  17. Offline


    that's just their site, the program is pretty good

    but i'll guess i'll have to use mcma personal then
  18. Offline


    If you really understand how plugins work, you shouldn't need McMyAdmin.
  19. Offline


    well, i don't
  20. Offline


    What are you missing? Here's your chance to ask a really stupid question. I'm feeling nice (Its Friday) so I will answer it, with as little grumpiness as possible.
  21. Offline


    I know I might be a lot late to this thread, but I would use a FreeBSD server guide.
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