Boosters Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by dlndcrdso, Oct 14, 2018.

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    Plugin category: Tools

    Minecraft version: 1.8+

    Suggested name: KitPvP Boosters

    What I want: I would like a boosters plugin for my KitPvP server. When you type /boosters I would like a GUI to open showing the boosters, if you have a booster you can click the block so it activates, if you don't have one the GUI should close and should show a custom message to the user. If you hover over one of the booster blocks it should tell you how many you have. When a booster is activated the block should appear enchanted as well as not let anyone else activate a booster, boosters last 1 hour. I would like a MySQL file to store who has purchased a certain booster as well as maybe placeholders to show if one is active and which one it is.

    Here is a photo of the GUI I'd like when someone types /boosters (Sorry for the clear inventory background. Just 1 line, 2 blocks or more (configurable please)):

    I would like 2 pre made boosters and a config file where I could add more, the 2 main ones would preferably be "Kill Money Multiplier" and "Charity Time". The first one gives players 3x more money then normal when they kill someone else, I would like to be able to put a command there for the console to run when it is active. The second booster gives all players online $15 (configurable pls) every 10 minutes.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to try making this for me!

    Ideas for commands:
    /boosters - To open the GUI
    /tip - To tip $15 (configurable pls) to anyone who has activated a booster.
    /booster reload - Reload the plugin
    /booster give (player) (booster) - Give a player a booster they can use (boosters = CT or KMM for Charity Time and Kill Money Multiplier, please make these configurable)

    Ideas for permissions:
    booster.use - To allow players to get rewards from active boosters, open the GUI and use /tip
    booster.admin - Permission to reload the plugin as well as use /booster give

    When I'd like it by: Not urgent but preferably in the coming days.
  2. Offline


    Sounds like fun. I'll try this.
    dlndcrdso likes this.
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    Thanks so much!
  4. Offline


    So the /boosters command that opens the GUI only shows the boosters that you have, or all of them and a number for how many of that specific booster they have?
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    If a booster is going it should show the block enchanted and the lore should be what it does (configurable pls) or if no boosters are going the block should be normal and the lore should show how many of that booster the player has and what it does. Sorry for not being clear earlier!
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    So when a booster is activated; if anyone does /boosters, it should show the enchanted block with the lore saying what it does for the person who did /boosters, even if they weren't the one who started the booster.
  7. Offline


    Yes, if a booster is activated the block should be enchanted for everyone and they shouldn't be able to activate their own booster. Boosters give the rewards to everyone online if I didn't make it clear enough.
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    Can anyone do this?
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
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