Solved Or Operator

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by KoalaOnCaffeine, Sep 5, 2018.

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    This is not a nooby question, I just cant find the OR operator on my keyboard. It is an american style keyboard, using the UK key input through windows. Ive looked online and people say that the OR operator is Shift + \, but for me that is ~.
    I have tried using Alt+#, that gives me \, Ive tried Alt + ` which gives me ¦ (not the or operator).
    Basically these are all the keys i can get, using a combination of Shift, Alt and not pressing anything:
    Those are just using the grave key, `, the hashtag/pound key, #, and the / key.

    Im sorry if you dont understand what im on about, ive done a really wierd format i know. But any help on how to get the | key (copy pasted) will help!

    EDIT: I dont really want to swap my keyboard back to US, because im used to the " key and the @ key where they are xd
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    @KoalaOnCaffeine | is this what you want? If so then i did it using num lock. (couldn't find it normally)
    Combination: 6 3 6
    That should do it.
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    The | is one the same key as the \ (above the enter button). Hold down shift +\ to get |.
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    @Zombie_Striker, @timtower and @KarimAKL GOT IT! On my old keyboard it was Shift + \, but my dad came in and we worked it out for 15 mins and its
    Shift + Alt + #
    exeed. Thanks for help!!

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