knowing blocks locations

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by victot21, May 29, 2018.

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    I want to do a plugin where u have a machine textured skull block that when clicked with right button open an inventory, but i tried to use metadata to put a "ismachine" data inside the block but then i discovered that metadata is gone when u restart the server, what could I do to differentiate the blocks from other skullblocks ?

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    As for the block location(s), make a local variable, initialize it as the block you want the location of, then use #getLocation().
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    but i want to put and take machines, if i initialized it would only show the same location
  4. Offline


    When you break the skull that is in the location, remove it from the location and turn the drop into a machine item.
  5. Offline


    if I use a Location variable, when i restart the server it shouldn't go back to default ?
    and if so how i'm going to put it back on the list ?
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    Store the locations in a list in the config. When you reload/in the onEnable, set the list to be equal to the list in the config.
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    i tried to save the strings in the config and to read them saving works but reading doesn't and it does not tell me any errors
    SavingCode (open)

    public void Blockplace(BlockPlaceEvent e) {
            Location loc = e.getBlockPlaced().getLocation();
            String loq = loc.getWorld() + "," + loc.getX() + "," + loc.getY() + "," + loc.getZ();
            getConfig().set("Location." + number, loq);
            number = number+ 1;

    ReadingCode (open)

    public void Playerint(PlayerInteractEvent e){
    if(e.getAction() == org.bukkit.event.block.Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK ){
    if(e.getClickedBlock().getType() == Material.SKULL){     
            if (getConfig().getString("Location")!=null){
        for (int i = 0; i < number; i++ ) {
            String[] block = getConfig().getString("Location." + i).split(",");
            World world = Bukkit.getWorld(block[0]);
            float locx = Integer.parseInt(block[1]);
            float locy = Integer.parseInt(block[2]);
            float locz = Integer.parseInt(block[3]);
            Location blockl = new Location(world,locx, locy, locz);
            if(e.getClickedBlock().getLocation() == blockl) {
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
  8. Offline


            if (getConfig().getString("Location")!=null){
    This will always return null because there is no string at just Location. You need to also provide a number (Or, better yet, just get the keys for that configuration section.)

            if(e.getClickedBlock().getLocation() == blockl) {
    Also, this will never be true. By creating a new instance of Location for the check, the instances will never be the same as the clicked block's location. Instead, use .equals()
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